1. Open a CAD document stamped with the seal of Education Edition, open the "File" option in the upper left corner, and find "Save As" in the open list:
2. In the save dialog box that pops up, change the saved file format to ". Dxf ",and then close the drawing:
3. Find the document in. The dxf format you just saved, open it and click "File", then save it in ". Dwg "format, save and close the document:
4. Find the document saved as. Dwg ",press print preview after opening, as shown below, the words" autodesk Education Edition Product Manufacturing "have disappeared:
Implicit curriculum expression form
Including the education of school culture, the creation of study and living environment, and the establishment of
The education of children is a headache for every parent. There are some movies suitable for parents and children to watch together, from which they can be inspired