Luz likes to wear a wild boar costume with rooster feathers. This man is brave and ruthless, and has no respect for Confucius. Later, I was impressed by Confucius and worshipped him as a teacher. Everyone thinks Confucius is very elegant. In fact, Confucius is a master, good at fighting and archery. In other words, driving and archery are the basic skills of others. Moreover, he can lead troops to fight, manage accounts, manage animal husbandry and other chores, and he is also doing well. Confucius is an expert from state administration to unit or company management.
However, he taught his disciples not to make any difference. His favorite students are Yan Hui, but Luz and Zigong. Lutz's story is very sad. He once looked down on Confucianism and dressed like a savage chief. Later, he became a disciple of Confucianism and attached great importance to his Confucian costumes. He lost his hat in a fight with others. He calmly tied his hat for people to see.
The powerful minister of Qi wanted to expand his power and prepare for rebellion, so he cut it down. Confucius asked his disciples to find ways to save Lu, but many disciples took the initiative to ask for permission until Zi Gong asked for permission. Then, he successfully lured Qi's varu into Wu, and even tricked Yue into helping Wu with a pretence, secretly preparing for a sneak attack, and tricked Jin into preparing for war. In the end, Lu defeated Qi Xing and destroyed Wu Qiangjin, so the situation of the whole dynasty changed.
2. Guiguzi and Sun Bin, Pang Juan, Su Qin, Zhang Yi and Mao Sui.
These are celebrities and need no further explanation. Sun Bin and Pang Juan were born at a bad time, or they were destined to meet. Pang Juan almost unified Sanjin. If he hadn't been jealous of framing Sun Bin, the six countries might have been unified. After all, they had no rivals except Wuqi, but Wuqi died earlier.
Su Qin, Zhang Yi. Completely rely on the golden mouth and jade words to fool the seven males, making them one leng one leng. Su Qin hanged the six countries to seal each other, persuaded the six countries to unite, and Yi Cheung disintegrated the six countries into Qin. The last one, who is quite unknown, is a hermit master who has taught a group of great disciples. If we put the seclusion era of the Eastern Jin Dynasty aside, it will definitely stir the world.