John dewey (1 859101October 20th-1June 9521) is an American philosopher, educator and master of pragmatism. Dewey built a theoretical building of pragmatism, with numerous works covering science, art, religious ethics, politics, education, sociology, history and economics, making pragmatism a unique cultural phenomenon in the United States.
Character's thought
Dewey's works show the fact that he is a scholar devoted to writing. When he was studying in university of vermont, he showed that he was a good student who devoted himself to it. But he is not good at words and sharp in writing, and he is not a person who expresses his views with thoughts. His works are not easily understood at once.
In Dewey's philosophy, he does not agree that the concept is a fixed static statement; The concept itself is not absolute. Dewey regards the concept as an easy, dynamic and instrumental guiding function, which makes us more adaptable to the external environment.