Original text:
Sun Chou said, "If a gentleman doesn't teach his son, why not?" Mencius said: "Impossible. The teacher must be right and wrong, and then get angry. If you continue to be angry, you will be defeated. The master taught me to be right, but what the master did was not right. Also a father and son. If father and son are estranged, it is evil. The ancients changed their children and taught them, but father and son did not blame goodness. If you complain about goodness, you will leave, and if you leave, it will be ominous. "
Mencius said, "Which is more important?" : who is the biggest, who is the biggest. I have heard of people who can serve their loved ones without losing their health. I've never heard of anyone who can serve their loved ones without their bodies. Who is not doing something? Birds of a feather flock together, and things are based on it; Who doesn't keep it? Keep your body and keep your base.
Sun Chou said, "A gentleman doesn't educate his son himself. Why? " Mencius said, "Because truth doesn't work. (father) education (son) must use the right truth; It doesn't matter if you use the right reason, and then you will get angry. When you are angry, you hurt your feelings. My son will say,' What you taught me is right, but your own path is not right.' In this way, the feelings between father and son were hurt.
It is a bad thing to hurt the feelings between father and son. In ancient times, sons were exchanged for education, and fathers and sons did not seek perfection. Nothing is more unfortunate than blaming each other, which will alienate father and son and alienate them.
Mencius, an ancient educator in China, advocated "changing children into teaching" and put it into practice. Mencius did not teach children, that is, he gave them to others for education. Mencius explained: "Impossible. Teachers must be right, and they will be angry after being right. If you are angry, you will turn against foreigners. The master taught me the essence, and the master didn't do it out of righteousness', which means that the master turned against foreigners.
The discord between father and son is evil. The ancients taught them by changing their sons, and father and son did not choose good. Choose good and leave, and leave is ominous. This passage tells us the reason why Mencius chose to "change his son to teach": he thought it was not feasible to educate his son personally at that time, because education must require children to do good deeds of benevolence and righteousness. If they do not do well, their father will be angry, which will easily destroy the intimate feelings between father and son. Children will feel wronged when they see that their father sometimes does not follow the right path, thus hurting the feelings between father and son.
Extended data
Rationality of teaching in accordance with changes.
(1) Blood relationship leads to irrational family education.
As we all know, children, parents, especially grandparents, are often easily spoiled and can't be strict with each other because of their innate kinship and blood relationship. Children will also indulge themselves, because they will feel at home around their closest elders.
Parents educate their children themselves, for example, some families let their children do it, but they can't do it first. Children are not convinced, even there will be contradictions between parents and children, and some will have deep barriers, so that parents will lose their prestige and initiative in education, and it is difficult to continue to educate their children. This is an unavoidable disadvantage of family education.
(2) Limited ability will inevitably lead to a lack of comprehensiveness in family education.
The ideas, contents and methods of family education mainly depend on parents' will, interests, hobbies, ideological level, ability and outlook on life, and these qualities of parents are very limited, so it is difficult to conduct a comprehensive education and cultivate children who are "moral, intellectual, physical, aesthetic and hardworking".
Most parents are used to old experiences and methods, and can't clearly understand the changes of their children's physical and mental development with their age. Especially in junior high school, parents are helpless about their children's physical and mental development.
(3) Higher expectations lead to educational imbalance.
Most parents are "looking forward to the success of their children and their daughters". Who doesn't want their children to be the best? Some parents impose unfulfilled wishes on their children; Some parents blindly ask and blame their children in comparison and contrast. As a result, hating iron and not turning into steel, treating children in a simple and rude way, and lacking the necessary patience and care will also ruin children.
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? Stupid bird? many
Dear daughter:
Let me tell you a story first. It is said that there are four kinds of birds in the world: the first k