Jin Wengong attacked the original city with ten days' grain, so he made an appointment with the doctor for ten days. Ten days after arriving in the original city, before capturing the original city, they sounded the gong of retreat and prepared to retreat. Soldiers from the original city fled the city and said, "The original city will be captured in three days." The left and right ministers remonstrated, saying, "The original city ran out of grain and the soldiers declined. The monarch can wait a few days. " Jin Wengong said, "I made an appointment with the soldiers for ten days. If I don't go back, I will lose my credit. I won't do it. " Then retreat and leave. When people in the original city heard about it, they said, "If there is such a trustworthy monarch, can we not join him?" So he surrendered to Jin Wengong. Wei ren said: "With such a trustworthy monarch, can we not follow him?" So he surrendered to Jin Wengong.
When Confucius heard about it, he wrote it down and said, "Those who attack the original city and gain national defense are faithful."
Jin Wengong asked Zheng Ji, "What should I do to help the famine?" Zheng Ji replied, "Keep your word." Jin Wengong said, "How to keep your word?" Zheng Ji said, "Keep your word in reputation, actions and behaviors. If you keep your word with your name, you will keep your post, do not do more good and evil, and do not neglect everything; If you keep your word, you will not lose your time, and people will not exceed four hours; Words and deeds are consistent, so close people will persuade you to work hard, and people from afar will join you. "
When Wu Qi went out, he met an old friend and asked him to eat. The old friend said, "OK, go back and wait for me first." Wu Qi said, "Then I will wait for you." The man didn't come until dark, and Wuqi didn't wait for him to eat. The next morning, Wuqi sent someone to find this man. The old friend came and Wu Qicai had dinner with him.
Wei Wenhou and others agreed on a hunting time. The next day, there happened to be a strong wind, so the attendants stopped Wei Wenhou from going hunting. Wei Wenhou didn't listen and said, "I can't break my promise because of the wind. I won't do it." Then I drove my own car and braved the strong wind to stop the hunting.
Ceng Zi's wife went to the market, and her son cried after her. Mother said, "Go back first, and I'll come back to kill the pig for you." When he comes back from the market, Ceng Zi will catch pigs to kill. His wife stopped him and said, "I'm just joking with the children." Ceng Zi said, "Children can't joke with him. Children have no knowledge, they learn from their parents and obey their parents' instruction. Now you cheat him, you are teaching him to cheat. If a mother cheats her son, his son won't believe her. This is not education. "Then kill the pig and cook it for the children.
Li, the king of Chu, used drums to defend with the people as soon as there was an alarm. One day, he was drunk and played the drums by mistake, which frightened the people. Li, the king of Chu, sent someone to stop the people and said, "I was drunk, joking with people around me and beating the drums by mistake." People just dispersed. After a few months, I really called the police. Li, the king of Chu, played the drums, but no one came. So he changed his orders and sent a clear signal before people believed him.
Li Kui warned the soldiers in the left and right camps: "Be careful of the enemy, they will attack you sooner or later." The warning like this was repeated several times, but the enemy still didn't come. Soldiers from both camps slackened off and no longer trusted Li Kui. A few months later, Qin Jun attacked and almost wiped out Li Kui's army. This is the disadvantage of not trusting people.
Another way of saying it is: Li Kui was at war with the Qin people. He said to the soldiers in the left camp, "Hurry up! The camp on the right has rushed up. " He rode to the right camp again and said to the soldiers, "The left camp has rushed up." The soldiers in the left and right camps all said, "Let's rush up." So everyone rushed up. In the second year, he fought with the Qin people. The Qin people attacked and almost wiped out all the troops in Li Kui. This is the disadvantage of not trusting people.