Size of 26 uppercase and lowercase letters and 26 English letters. ......
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Case and order of 26 English letters
16 160 09-05-26 report
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Aa, Bb, Cc, Dd, Ee, Ff, Gg, Hh, Ii, Jj, Kk, Ll, Mm, Nn, Oo, Pp, Qq, Rr, Ss, Tt, Uu, Vv, Ww, Xx, Yy, Zz lowercase ABC D EF G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U.
Capital A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
English uppercase and lowercase letters Aa English [ei] American [e]
Bb UK [bi:] USA [bi]
Cc English [si:] USA [ci]
Britain [di:] America [di
Ee Britain [i:] America [i]
Ff UK [ef] USA [εf]
Gg English [d? I:] beauty [d? I]
Hh English [eit? ] beauty [et? ]
Ii Britain [ai] America [ai]
Jj young [d]? Ei] beauty [d? e]
Kk UK [kei] USA [ke]
Ll Britain [el] America [εl]
Mm Britain [em] America [εm]
Britain [America]
Oo ying [? Beauty [o]
Pp UK [pi:] USA [pi]
Qq English [kju:] USA [kju]
Britain, America
Britain, America
Tt uk [ti:] USA [ti]
Britain [ju:] America [ju]
Britain [vi:] America [vi
Ww English ['d? b? Lju:] Beautiful? blju]
Xx Britain [eks] America [εks]
Yy British [circumference] beauty [circumference]
Zz English [zed] [zi:] USA [zi]
VB uppercase and lowercase letters are universal? Code in table 1
Private Sub-Form _Load ()
Text 1。 Text = ""
End joint
Private subtext1_ keypress (keyascii is an integer)
Dim x is the string' * * * * * * * * * * * * *.
X = ucase (text 1。 Text)' * * * * * * * * * * x is the capitalization of the text box characters.
If KeyAscii = 13, then
Select case x
Case "ABC"
Table 2. show
Case "definition"
Table 2. Command 1_Click
Case "COM"
Table 2. Command 2_Click
Other cases
MsgBox "incorrect password", vbOKOnly, "prompt"
Text 1。 Text = ""
Text 1。 SetFocus
End selection
If ... it will be over.
End joint
The code in Form 2
Common subcommand 1_Click ()
MsgBox "1 success"
End joint
Common subcommand 2_Click ()
Msgbox "2 succeeded"
End joint
Java uppercase and lowercase letter conversion public class OptionTest {
Public static void main (strinargs []) {
String v = Joption Pane。 Showinputdialog (null, "Enter capital letters:", "test",
int V = integer . parse int(V);
int offset =(int)' A '-(int)' A '; Calculate the difference between uppercase and lowercase
Char lowercase = (char) (v+offset);
String output = "lowercase is:"+v.tolower case ();
joptionpane . showmessagedialog(null,output," test ",
JOptionPane。 Information _ message);
Because you were prompted to enter a capital letter, you just handled it briefly.
In fact, it is better to use the method of V.toCharArray () to convert to char type.
ToCharArray () returns an array of characters.
It is better to look at the API of String.
Java uppercase and lowercase letter conversion string str1= "a";
String str2 = " B
str 1 = str 1 . toupper case();
str 2 = str 2 . tolowercase();
System. out. println(" a is capitalized as "+str1);
System. out. println(" B is lowercase "+str 2");
The output result is:
The capital letter of is
The lowercase of b is B.
How to write uppercase and lowercase letters: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Lowercase: a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
Source: Archaeologists' research shows that hieroglyphics have been used all over the world. There is no doubt that the image of things in nature is the basic element of human character creation, and character comes from the pictures of primitive people. Ancient Egyptian holy books and Sumerian cuneiform characters are similar to Oracle Bone Inscriptions in ancient China. They all originated from nicks and pictures and were based on hieroglyphics.
English letters
There are 26 English letters, which are the letters on which English exists. The modern English alphabet completely borrows 26 Latin letters. The so-called "Latin alphabet" is the alphabet of words used by ancient Romans.