What are the pre-school education courses?
According to the Open Education Network, the professional courses of preschool education include pedagogy, introduction to pedagogy, general psychology, human anatomy and physiology, educational sociology, preschool hygiene, child development psychology, vocal music, dance, art, preschool education, infant psychology, infant education psychology, infant health care, infant education research methods, educational statistics, human anatomy and physiology, game theory, teachers' oral English, etc. It should be noted that due to different colleges and universities, the subjects studied are slightly different, depending on the teaching settings of colleges and universities. Preschool education is one of the important contents of preschool education and a part of the scientific system of preschool education. Children are the basic stage of intellectual development in life, and also the fastest developing period. Proper and correct preschool education plays a great role in children's intelligence and future development. The formation and development of supernormal children are related to proper and correct preschool education, especially preschool education in intelligence.