The translation is as follows:
Wen Zi said: The way to be a man is to be small-minded, big-minded, wise, well-behaved, capable and few things.
Being small means being careful, being cautious, having self-control and not indulging.
To be ambitious means to be ambitious, tolerant of dissidents and not to judge right and wrong.
Wisdom should be round, which means: think tactfully, think divergently, and don't go all the way.
Doing well means being fair and upright, maintaining a noble personality when you are poor, and not forgetting your ideals when you are developed.
Being able to do more means learning more skills, enriching your mind and paying attention to exercise.
Less means: concentrate on things, not impatient, not greedy; Persevere, choose important things to do, and don't let daily chores get in the way.