What reforms has Humboldt made in primary education?
Humboldt further emphasized the implementation of primary compulsory education, and promulgated the primary compulsory education bill in 1802 and 1805 respectively. In order to improve and develop primary education, he sent a large number of young people to study in Pestalozzi in the east of Ivo, including Herbart and Froebel. He asked the young people to study not only to learn Pestalozzi's educational methods, but more importantly, to let the sacred fire of love and strength in the great man's chest ignite their hearts. When these young people came back from the Oriental Ivory, they decided to rebuild the primary education system, which made the primary education in Germany develop greatly. Normal education linked with primary education has also been developed, and several normal schools have been established. Those who want to be primary school teachers in the future must study in normal schools for three years.