2. Set clear rules and expectations: Let children understand your rules and expectations. For example, if you don't want them to watch TV at night, tell them this rule clearly.
3. Provide appropriate guidance: If children don't listen to your advice, it may be because they don't understand your advice. Try to explain your suggestion in a simpler and more understandable way.
4. Lead by example: Children often imitate their parents. So, if you want them to follow your advice, you need to set an example.
5. Encourage and reward: Remember to encourage and reward children when they make the right decision. This can help them build self-confidence and motivate them to continue to make the right decision.
6. Seek professional help: If you have tried all the above methods, but your child still doesn't listen to your advice, then you may need to seek the help of a professional psychological counselor. They can provide some effective strategies and skills to help you educate your children.