Educated people include both students studying at school and learners of various forms of adult education.

Three basic elements of education: educator, educated person (learner) and educational media (educational influence).

Educator: People who purposefully influence the physical, psychological and character development of others in social education activities are collectively called educators. Educators are not necessarily teachers, but teachers must be educators. Educator is the dominant factor, and he is the organizer and leader of educational activities.

Educated: In social education activities, people who are purposefully influenced by physical, psychological and personality development and engage in learning are collectively called educated. ?

Educational media: refers to the sum total of everything that acts as a bridge or communication between educators and educatees, including educational content, educational methods and organizational forms, educational means, etc.

Subject position

(1) Educated people, as independent individuals, have their own initiative, selectivity, necessity and will, and can rely on their own independent thinking to lead their own behavior;

(2) While learning the excellent cultural heritage of mankind, the educated have the ability of reorganization, innovation and development besides inheriting and absorbing it;

(3) In the learning process, the educated are not only restricted by intellectual factors, but also influenced by non-intellectual factors. These two factors restrict the speed, efficiency and quality of the educated's educational activities.