1, language: Chinese.
Chinglish [? t? Answer? Ni: z]
Beauty [t? Answer? Niz,-? New shekel]
Chinese; Chinese; Chinese; China people;
China; Chinese; China people; Chinese;
The new design combines the advantages of Chinese and western styles.
This new design combines the advantages of Chinese and western styles.
2. Mathematics: Mathematics
Math English [m? θ] beauty [m? θ]
Mathematics (equal to mathematics);
He studied? Math? Are you online? University.
He majored in mathematics in college.
3. English: English
English English [gl? ] beauty [l? ]
English speaking; British; English; English;
4. Sports: Sports
Sports English [? Physick? l? edju:? kei? N] beauty [? f? z? k? l? dke? n]
Sports; Sports;
5. Science Curriculum: Science
Scientific English [? Sa? Ns] Beauty [? Sa? ns]
Noun (short for noun) science; Science; Discipline; Technology, knowledge;
6. Moral education: moral education
Moral education English [? m? :r? l? edju:? kei? N] beauty [? m? r? l? dke? n]
Moral education;
7. Art class: Art.
Beauty of artistic English
Fine arts; Works of art; Industries that need technology and technology; Literature and art (including painting, sculpture, architecture, music, dance, drama, literature, etc. );
The intransitive verb "thou art is you are" is used when talking with people.
Artistic; Artistic; Artistic; (for) artists; Artistic;
8. Social Science Course: Social Studies
social studies
Social science courses;
[Example] Today, the subjects without business are economics. Socializing? Study? And then what? Healthy.