In the history of modern education, no educator can compare with it. His educational thought had a great, extensive and far-reaching influence on the school educational practice and the development of educational theory at that time and even in the next hundred years. In the history of western education, he is known as "the founder of scientific pedagogy" and "the father of educational science" and "the father of modern pedagogy" in the history of world education. The representative work General Pedagogy, which reflects his educational thoughts, is recognized as the first educational work with a scientific system.
Herbart is a famous German educator and philosopher in the19th century, and is recognized as the founder of modern educational psychology and the father of scientific pedagogy. With vigorous energy and special interest and endowment in education, he established the first rigorous and systematic empirical pedagogy system in the history of modern education on the basis of his systematic practical philosophy and conceptual psychology, and on the basis of ethical explanation purpose, psychological argumentation method and experimental school, which became an important symbol of the birth of scientific pedagogy.