Comprehensive knowledge system
Senior high school education in Canada provides a comprehensive knowledge system, including English, French, mathematics, science, Canadian history, Canadian geography, art, health, sociology and career development, third language, Canadian world studies, business studies and many other fields. Students can choose according to their own interests and needs.
Diversified course selection
Canadian senior high school education offers a variety of curriculum choices, and students can choose according to their own interests and future development direction. For example, "Higher Function" is one of the three common mathematics courses in grade 12, which mainly studies the expressions and images of 1, 2 and 3 angular functions.
Challenge learning content
The learning content of senior high school education in Canada is challenging. For example, the English course of 12 is equivalent to the Chinese of Grade Three in China, which mainly cultivates students' reading and writing ability, and does not involve grammar too much. The study covers novels and Shakespeare's masterpieces, which may be difficult for foreign students.
Strict credit requirements
High school education in Canada requires strict credits. For example, 12 English is compulsory, and all universities in Canada require applicants to pass this course and get credits. Some schools even require at least 75 points in this course.
Diversified teaching methods
The teaching methods of senior high school education in Canada are diversified, and students can learn in different ways, for example, the choice of preparatory courses and autonomous learning.