Representative figures: Bowles, Quintis, april, Jim of the United States, BouAudoul of France, freire of Brazil.
Basic point of view:
① Contemporary capitalist school education is not a powerful means to promote and realize social justice, but the root of social differences, discrimination and opposition;
The reason for this is that education and society are antagonistic, and what kind of society will have what kind of education, and it is difficult for the children of the lower ruling class to succeed in such an education system;
People have become accustomed to such inequality and unfairness;
The purpose of critical pedagogy is to "enlighten" them in order to achieve the liberation of consciousness;
⑤ The educational phenomenon is not neutral and objective, but full of interest disputes. We should adopt the attitude and method of practical criticism to reveal the interest relationship in specific educational life and make them move from unconsciousness to consciousness.