Where can I find the key topics of the 14th Five-Year Plan of China Education Association?
The key topics of the 14th Five-Year Plan of China Education Association can be found in official website. Search official website of China Education Association, and you can inquire about the key topics in the 14th Five-Year Plan. The exploration of English teaching practice to cultivate young people's core literacy in the new era is a special topic of educational research of China Education Association, which is guided by the Moral Education Research Branch of China Education Association. This paper aims to pay attention to the current situation of moral education in English teaching, present the implementation mode and effect of ideological and political education in English teaching, especially in English newspaper reading teaching, and analyze the multiple factors and methods that affect the cultivation of core literacy in English teaching, so as to explore the mode and method of cultivating core literacy talents in English teaching. This will serve the ideological and political education of schools at all levels, especially primary and secondary schools, and strive to form a joint force of educating people and create a new situation of educating people.