If the general information fails to pass the review, there will be a prompt on the page asking the user to change it as required. After the change, view the identity information.
Personal identification information (PII). As the name implies, PII processes data that allows someone to identify a specific person. For example, your social security number is a good example of PII, because it is unique, and this number itself will lead someone to find you directly. In addition, things such as full name, driver's license ID, e-mail address, bank account information, password or telephone number can also be regarded as personally identifiable information.
In the field of network security, PII is a very common role, especially in data leakage and identity theft. For example, if a company that manages personal information encounters data leakage, its customers are likely to suffer personal identity theft because the data managed by the company will be stolen.
Here, we would like to mention that sometimes criminals don't even need to steal every detail. If you get PII from different sources, they can piece together your PII. Therefore, how to manage your personal information and whether your method will increase the difficulty for criminals to obtain data is very important.
In order to protect your PII from potential exploitation, you should be very careful about what you share on social media. It's also a good idea to shred files before discarding them (you never know who is rummaging in your trash can), and please don't leave your social security number and other important ID on the left and right.