The number of prime ministers in the Tang Dynasty was about 800, the largest in history. Moreover, the number of prime ministers counted here has not counted some nominal prime ministers such as Shijie and those without authority. Compared with the number of emperors in the Tang Dynasty, the number of prime ministers was undoubtedly more popular. Although the number of prime ministers is huge, many prime ministers have no real power or have a small scope of management authority.
In fact, the exact definition of a prime minister is not just a person as prime minister, but usually refers to a department, and the prime minister team can even reach the scale of more than a dozen people. Many people may think that since there are so many prime ministers, the power will certainly not be too great. In fact, the power of the prime minister of the Tang Dynasty is not small, such as the appointment and removal of personnel inside and outside the palace, personnel coordination and other aspects have management authority, and some aspects can be directly decided.
The political rights of the prime minister of the Tang Dynasty may not be obvious in the prosperous times, but some people will have real power when the Tang Dynasty is about to perish. At that time, a group of heroes such as Li and Yang won the trust of the emperor and were later appointed as prime ministers, but in the later period, they made the court malodorous. Even once affected the turmoil of the imperial court, it can be seen that some prime ministers still had considerable prestige at that time.
Although there were many prime ministers in the Tang Dynasty, some of them were promoted or even decentralized because of the emperor's cronies. Their strength is still great. At that time, no one dared to underestimate them.