Advertising: Advertising is a common communication strategy in the education and training industry. However, due to the diversity of its media and the uncertainty of its target positioning, advertising is no longer a single marketing strategy, but a communication activity in line with the theme activities. Of course, for institutions with large market share, a large number of advertisements are also an effective means to enhance brand awareness.
Promotion: In the education and training industry, the proportion of promotion is relatively small. Because the promotion is carried out in conjunction with theme activities or theme festivals, it has little effect on the spread of market share, but as one of the means of brand building, the promotion strategy will also be carried out for a long time.
Public relations: to build a brand, we must constantly expand public relations. Few institutions in the education and training industry use public relations to promote marketing. Public relations behavior provides a good acceptance for institutional communication, which can enhance brand awareness and reputation and enhance brand influence.
Activities: At present, the most effective marketing method in education and training industry is activities. Whether it is conference marketing, roadshows, briefings, free auditions, free trials, etc. They are all born for marketing, but in different ways; In the fierce market competition, event marketing will become an important step in all marketing communication means, and event marketing has truly achieved a high success rate of marketing.