Translation: "If you don't learn the Book of Songs, you won't be able to speak." Kong Li came back to study The Book of Songs. Confucius not only taught the Book of Songs to his son, but also taught it to his disciples as a teaching material. So, why is The Book of Songs so important to Confucius?
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In ancient times, reading was very important for children and the whole family, because people were unlearned, and jade could not be cut into tools. Reading is an important means for a person to become a tool and an important guarantee for a family's social status. Therefore, in ancient family precepts, there are many contents about advising children to read. Here, we mainly discuss the ancient family instruction culture from the aspects of instructing children to read books in ancient times.
When it comes to ancient Chinese reading, there have been many misunderstandings for a long time. When it comes to reading, it is easy to think of words such as glorifying ancestors, promoting to a higher position and making a fortune, and examples of hard work such as "hanging over your head and gnashing your teeth".
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