2. The main columns of Modern Education are: preface, special report, celebrity interview, principal's forum, theoretical research, management, curriculum reform, teaching research, education world, overseas expositions, and highlights in the teaching field.
Modern education is a brand-new form of education in human history. With the formation of modern society, it is also the product of the development of human society and education to a certain historical stage. It is the highest stage of education development so far, and it is also a very important stage of human education development.
Different people have different definitions of the concept of modern education. Some people define modern education as "educational concept, form and characteristics suitable for modern production system, modern economic system, modern cultural system, modern science and technology and modern social lifestyle" from the external conditions. Some people look at the problem from the internal factors and define it as "the activity of educators to socialize the educated into people who can adapt to the modern society in which modern productive forces and production relations are unified."