It's better to teach people to fish than to teach them to fish —— "Huai Nan Zi said Xun Lin" originally said, "It's better to go home and weave a net than to fish near the river." "History of Han Dongchuan", the book said: "So, since the Han Dynasty won the world, those who have always wanted to govern but have not been able to govern well have lost the ability to become more civilized, not become more civilized. The ancients said,' It is better to retire and build a net than to catch a fisherman in the forest. There is an old saying in China that "it is better to teach people to fish than to teach them to fish". It is said that the method of teaching people to learn knowledge is not as good as teaching people what they already have. The reason is actually very simple. Fish is the purpose, and fishing is the means. A fish can solve temporary hunger, but it can't solve long-term hunger. If you want to have fish to eat forever, you must learn how to fish.
The original words are "It is better to teach people to fish than to teach them to fish".