Bus route:
1, take bus 1, 4; 20 roads; 40 roads; 57 road; 82 road; 2 16 road; 903 road; 906 road; B502 road; B5 road; Get off at S 165 Road and Qingfeng Street Station of Longhai Road and walk for 340 meters;
2. Take bus No.20 and No.40; 277 road; Get off at S 165 road and traffic road longhai road station and walk for 300 meters;
3. Take bus 1, 57; 63-way interval; 179 road; 2 16 road; 277 road; B502 road; B5 road; Y3 Road to Longhai Road University Road Station, walk 470 meters;
4. Take bus No.4 and No.57; 82 road; 903 road; 906 road; Y3 Road walk 350 meters to Longhai Road Traffic Road Station;
Practical model essay for post speech of principal +0
Dear leaders and teachers,
Hello everyone!
First of all, on behalf of al