On-the-job training and its basic types are common knowledge points of human resource management for intermediate economists in 2020.
On-the-job training and its basic types
On-the-job training is the most common and main way for workers to learn skills.
On-the-job training includes:
(1) The skills brought by general on-the-job training are useful to all industries and enterprises. General training improves the labor productivity of all enterprises, that is, if those enterprises that do not provide training get employees who have received general training, the productivity of these enterprises can also be improved.
(2) The skills generated by specialized on-the-job training are only useful for enterprises providing training, but useless for other enterprises. Those enterprises that do not provide training will not improve productivity even if they recruit workers who have received special training in other enterprises.
In practice, many on-the-job training includes both general training factors and special training factors, so it is sometimes difficult to strictly distinguish the two training contents.