Hello, online check-in time must refer to the opening hours of online check-in at each airport, and each airport is different. Online check-in does not handle baggage check-in procedures. Passengers with checked baggage: Please go to the self-service check-in counter of China Eastern Airlines or the check-in counter of China Eastern Airlines at the airport at least 1 hour in advance. Baggage with a size of more than 20cm*40cm*55cm or a weight of more than 5 kg must be checked. Passengers who have checked in online must pass the security check 40 minutes before the scheduled departure time of the flight. The boarding pass stamped with the safety stamp is regarded as a valid document for boarding, and other copies and boarding passes without the safety stamp are no longer regarded as valid documents. Passengers who have checked in online must cancel the online check-in procedure 1 hour before the scheduled departure time of the flight if they cannot take the flight on time. Passengers can cancel online check-in by themselves, and only one flight can cancel online check-in; Or contact the customer service hotline of China Eastern Airlines at 95530 1 0 hours before the scheduled departure time of the flight. If passengers have arrived at the airport, they can also contact the self-service check-in counter of China Eastern Airlines or the staff of the check-in counter of China Eastern Airlines at the airport to help cancel online check-in.
Just print the boarding pass on ordinary A4 paper, other sizes and papers are not acceptable, and black laser inkjet or color inkjet can be used.