Array ()
Array (value 1, value 2? ..) to create an array.
Array _ chunk (array, size, preserve _ keys) divides a number into new array blocks [tk].
Array_combine(keys, values) combines two arrays (key name array and key value array) into a new array.
Array_count_values(array) is used to count the number of occurrences of all values in the array.
Array_diff(array 1, array2 ...) Comparing arrays returns the difference set of two arrays (only comparing key values).
Array _ diff _ Assoc (Array 1, Array2 ...) Comparing arrays returns the difference set of two arrays (comparing key names and key values).
Array _ diff _ key (array 1, array 2, ...) Comparing arrays returns the difference set of two arrays (only key names are compared).
Array_fill(index, number, value) fills the array with the given key value.
Array_filter(array, callback function to be used) filters the elements in the array with the callback function.
Array_flip(array) inverts/exchanges the key names and corresponding related key values [flp] in the array.
Array_keys(array) returns all the key names in the array.
Array _ merge (array 1, array 2, ...) Merges one or more arrays into one array [m:rd].
Array_pad(array, size, value) inserts a specified number of elements with a specified value into the array.
Array_pop (array) deletes the last element.
Add an array at the end of array_push(array).
Array_shift(array ()) deletes a number and returns the value of the deleted element.
Add one or more elements to the elements in the array _ unshaft (array) group.
Array_rand(array, number) randomly selects one or more arrays from the array.
Array _ replace (array 1, array 2 ...) replaces the value of one array with the value of the next array.
The array_reverse(array) array is inverted and returns a new array.
Array _ search (value, array, strict (optional true, flase)) searches for a value and returns the key name. If True, search for elements with the same key name and value.
Array _ slice (array, start, length, preserve) returns the selected part of the array.
Array _ splice (Array, start, length, array) deletes the specified elements and replaces them with other elements.
Array_unique(array) Delete duplicate values in the array [junik]
Array_values(array) returns all the values in the array.
Array_key_exists(key, array) to find out whether the key name of the array exists.
Count(array) returns the number of elements in the array [kant]
In_array ('value', $array, bool) checks whether the specified value exists in the array. If set to TRUE, then in _ array
This function checks whether the searched data is of the same type as the value of the array.