1, complementary color matching
In the color wheel, the two colors separated by 180 are complementary colors, which are the strongest colors in the color scheme. None of them … In the order of red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple, the complementary colors are the two colors in the middle, red+green, orange+blue and yellow+purple …
The collocation of complementary colors can show a kind of strength, momentum and vitality, which has a very strong visual impact and is also a very modern and fashionable collocation. If the control is not good, it will often produce uncoordinated, implicit and unstable effects.
2. Adjacent color matching
Adjacent colors are close to each other in the color wheel. According to the order of red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple, the adjacent colors are red+orange, orange+yellow, yellow+green, green+blue, and so on.
Adjacent colors are closely related, very harmonious and soft, and the picture is very harmonious and unified, which can create a soft and warm feeling. Because they are close on the color wheel, the visual impact of this collocation is weak.