Acupuncture is a summary of our people's long-term experience in fighting diseases, and its formation has gone through a long process. The predecessor of acupuncture is "whipping", and the main tool of whipping is Bian Shi, which sprouted in the Neolithic Age 10,000 to 4,000 years ago. In the Qin and Han dynasties, needles have gradually developed from stone needles, bone needles and bamboo needles to metal needles. The development of metal needle has gone through the stages of copper, iron, silver, alloy and stainless steel needle. The reform of acupuncture has expanded the scope of acupuncture treatment, improved the therapeutic effect and promoted the development of acupuncture.
With the continuous accumulation of medical experience, many specific acupoints that can treat some diseases have been gradually discovered, so that they have been gradually located and named since the earliest "pain is thirty"; On the basis of the increasing number of acupoints, according to the main functions of acupoints, combined with acupuncture effect and ancient anatomical knowledge, ancient doctors found and realized that the human body has a complete meridian system structure. Through continuous summary and practice, the theory of acupoints and meridians is systematized in theory, forming the theory of meridians. The formation of meridian theory and other TCM theories makes acupuncture an independent subject of TCM.
Huangdi Neijing is the earliest extant medical classic in China. It comprehensively and systematically expounds the Yin and Yang, five elements, acupoints of zang-fu organs, meridians, diagnosis and pathogenesis, treatment principles, acupuncture methods, indications and contraindications. Among them, the acupuncture content discussed in Lingshu is particularly detailed, so it is called Acupuncture Classic. Huangdi Neijing laid a solid theoretical foundation for the development of acupuncture. "Difficult Classic" supplements the "Internal Classic" in the aspects of meridians, acupoints and acupuncture. Treatise on Febrile Diseases by Zhang Zhongjing, a famous physician in the Eastern Han Dynasty, successfully incorporated acupuncture and acupuncture combined with medicine into the system of syndrome differentiation and treatment, which raised the clinical treatment of acupuncture to a new level. Huangfu Mi's Jin Dynasty Acupuncture Classic is the first monograph on acupuncture in China, and it is also a summary of acupuncture medicine after Huangdi Neijing, which plays a connecting role in the history of acupuncture development. In the Tang Dynasty, Sun Simiao invented the same-body-inch acupoint selection method in Qianjin Fang Yao, which affirmed the function of Ashi acupoint. According to the Records of Hundred Officials in the Book of Tang Dynasty, in the ninth year of Tang Gaozu Wude (626), the national medical teaching institution "Taiyi Department" had doctors, acupuncturists and medical assistants, specializing in acupuncture teaching and medical work. In the Song Dynasty, Wang compiled the Illustration of Acupuncture and Moxibustion on Acupoints of Newly Cast Copper Man, and made two models of acupuncture and moxibustion bronze men, which were the earliest three-dimensional acupuncture models in the world and pioneered the intuitive teaching of acupuncture models. The Ming Dynasty witnessed the prosperity and development of acupuncture, and there were many acupuncture works, among which Acupuncture Dacheng was a pearl. This is written by Yang Jizhou on the basis of his heirloom The Mystery of Health Acupuncture, which collects classic works, the essence of doctors in past dynasties and my own experience. This book is another summative acupuncture work after the Classic of Acupuncture and Moxibustion A and B, and it is still one of acupuncture clinical reference books. During the period from the Opium War to 100 of the Republic of China, due to the discrimination and strangulation of reactionary rulers and imperialist forces invading China, acupuncture gradually declined and was only used by the people.
1949 after the establishment of People's Republic of China (PRC), it promoted the revival and prosperity of acupuncture and moxibustion medicine. Acupuncture education has also developed rapidly. In order to facilitate academic exchanges, the Chinese Acupuncture Society was established in 1979. Clinically, acupuncture has a good and effective effect on many diseases, such as internal and external diseases, gynecology and pediatrics 100, especially on cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, biliary calculi, bacillary dysentery, mammary gland hyperplasia and other diseases, and has made outstanding achievements. From 65438 to 0958, acupuncture anesthesia began to be used in clinic, which added new contents to anesthesia methods and promoted the in-depth study of acupuncture medicine. Therefore, the research work of acupuncture has also developed from the summary of clinical treatment experience to experimental research, from observing the influence of acupuncture on the functions of various organs to the study of acupuncture anesthesia and acupuncture analgesia mechanism, and has made new progress in the study of meridian phenomena and meridian essence. In recent years, the research of acupuncture and massage has also made gratifying achievements.
Acupuncture spread eastward to Korea, Japan and other countries during the Southern and Northern Dynasties. 13 century ago, it gradually moved westward through the "Silk Road", which had a certain influence on Arab medicine. In recent years, there has been an enduring "acupuncture fever" in the world. 1984, Nakajima Hiroshi, an official of the World Health Organization (WHO), announced: "Acupuncture medicine has become a new medical discipline in the world." And established international acupuncture training centers in Beijing, Shanghai, Nanjing and other places. The Preparatory Committee of the World Federation of Acupuncture Societies was established in August 1984, and the inaugural meeting was held in China in October 1987 165438/kloc-0. Traditional acupuncture therapy has gone to the world and made new and greater contributions to human health care.
-Author: Myco joined Cai Bo on Wednesday, April 20th, 2005 16:50.
General theory?
Chapter 1 Overview of Acupuncture Prescriptions?
Chapter II Principles of Acupoint Selection in Acupuncture Prescription
The first section is close to the point.
Distal acupoint selection in the second section
What are the candidate points according to the syndrome?
Chapter III Acupuncture Prescriptions and Acupoint Matching Methods
The first section according to the department with acupuncture method
In the second quarter, according to the acupoint matching method
Section 3 Common Point Matching Method for Specific Points
Chapter IV Internal Medicine Diseases and Syndrome
Section 1 Stroke
Headache in the second quarter
Vertigo in the third quarter
Facial paralysis in the fourth quarter
Fifth facial pain
Section 6 Insomnia
Section 7 Depression Syndrome
Section 8 Epilepsy Syndrome
Section 9 Epilepsy
Section 10 flaccidity syndrome
Section 11 Arthralgia
Section 12 Chest arthralgia
Section 13 Palpitation
Section 14 heatstroke
Section 15 Malaria
Section 16 Cold
Section 17 Tuberculosis
Section 18 Cough
Section 19 Asthma
Section 20 Vomiting
Stomach pain in section 2 1
Section 22 Abdominal pain
Section 23 Jaundice
Section 24 Diarrhea
Section 25 Dysentery
Section 26 Constipation
Section 27 Rectal prolapse
Section 28 Imprisonment
Section 29 Edema
Section 30 nocturnal emission
Section 3 1 impotence?
Chapter V Diseases of Women and Children
Section 1 Irregular menstruation
Dysmenorrhea in the second quarter
Section 3 Amenorrhea
The fourth quarter collapse and leakage
Section 5 Excessive leucorrhea
Section 6 Abnormal fetal position
Section 7 Delayed delivery
Section 8 Lack of milk
Section 9 Yin Ting
Section 10 enuresis
Section 11 Infantile convulsion
Section 12 Malnutrition
Section 13 whooping cough
The fourteenth day is mumps?
Chapter VI Surgical Syndrome
The first section rubella
Furuncle in the second quarter
Section 3 Breast carbuncle
The fourth quarter breast fetish
Section 5 Intestinal carbuncle
Section 6 Hemorrhoids
Section 7 hernia
The eighth quarter sprain
Section 9 stiff neck
Section 10 erysipelas
Section 11 Snake gall
Section 12 verruca plana
Section 13 Acne
Section 14 alopecia areata
Section 15 Herpes zoster
Section 16: Lapis lazuli
Section 17 psoriasis
Section 18 Psoriasis?
Chapter VII Otolaryngology Syndrome
The first section red eye swelling and pain
The eye of a needle in the second quarter
Section 3 shed tears in the wind
The fourth eyelid droops
Section 5 strabismus
Section 6 Green Blindness
Section 7: Menstruation
Section 8 Myopia
Section 9 Color blindness
Section 10 Qingfeng-xiangguang fracture
Section 1 1 blindness
Section 12 tinnitus and deafness
Section 13 Deep nose
Section 14 snuff
Section 15 epistaxis
Section 16 sore throat
Section 17 Silence
Section 18 aphtha
Section 19 toothache?
Chapter VIII Emergency Certificate
The first section syncope
Section 2 shock
High fever in the third quarter
The fourth quarter convulsions
Section 5 Acute pain?
Chapter IX Others
Section 1 lose weight
Section 2 Quitting smoking
Section 3 Chloasma
Section 4 Anti-aging
Literature research on the method of matching points with one reference
Paper 1 Shu Tian combined with giant deficiency to treat large intestine and viscera diseases.
Paper 2 Sun, Moon and Yanglingquan Treating Biliary Diseases
In Paper 3, epigastric pain is treated by the combination of epigastric pain and Zusanli.
Paper 4 Traditional Chinese Medicine Treatment of Bladder Viscera?
What are the positions and indications of acupoints along the Twenty-four Meridians?
Attached is a diagram of three meridians and three points.
Nai Rong Jian Street
Acupuncture treatment, like other drug treatments, needs to understand its mechanism, clinical application of syndrome differentiation, and add and subtract according to changes. Only scientific formula can achieve the best curative effect. In order to reasonably choose the prescription of acupoints, understand the intention of acupoint matching, and improve the clinical acupuncture level and therapeutic effect of grassroots doctors, the Clinical Acupuncture Prescription is specially compiled. ?
This book consists of three parts: general introduction, various theories and attachments. The introduction includes the concept of acupuncture prescription, the principle of acupuncture prescription selecting points and the method of acupuncture prescription matching points. Each theory focuses on the disease, focusing on the syndrome differentiation prescription of each disease syndrome, and each prescription also introduces its indications, operation, addition and subtraction with the syndrome, and the meaning of the prescription. In order to make readers fully understand the general situation of prescriptions, ancient prescriptions and modern prescriptions are selected. Finally, the modern research is listed, and the clinical research and mechanism research are discussed respectively, which reflects the achievements of modern physiology, biochemistry, biology, immunology and other disciplines. The attached article is a literature study on the treatment of six fu-organs diseases with point-matching method and a brief introduction to the fourteen meridians, aiming at broadening the horizons of acupuncturists and enlightening the treatment ideas. ?
This book is mainly for Chinese medicine clinicians and students in Chinese medicine colleges to learn and use, and also for acupuncture professionals to refer to.