Network marketing is a new internet marketing method with low cost and good effect, so it has won the favor and welcome of e-commerce enterprises. At present, there is a shortage of talents in the field of network marketing, because there are very few compound talents who know both network technology and network marketing. With the increasing awareness of network marketing in many enterprises, the employment of network marketing engineers presents a good situation. Enterprises are eager for network marketing talents, but it is difficult to find suitable talents. According to endless statistics, at present, the shortage of online marketing talents has reached 800,000, and online marketing will become one of the eight promising occupations in the next five years. And network marketing training has also become one of the popular courses in IT industry training.
Beida Jade Bird has an international-level training course research and development team. At the beginning of the course design of network marketing, Beida Jade Bird hired many network marketing elites who had worked in Baidu, Google, Taobao and other big companies for several years as consultants to conduct market research, fully understand the needs of enterprises, users and end users, and strive to organically combine the course with the needs of enterprises. On this basis, the consulting group collected and sorted out nearly 1,000 online marketing suggestions and application cases from more than 1,000 enterprises, and made technical analysis with enterprise online marketing as the core. Therefore, online courses cover the new concept and implementation of online marketing, mainly including online marketing technology and online promotion, with the focus on rapidly building online marketing platform, website SEO optimization technology, online advertising, etc. by applying various open source website building systems. SEM and network marketing integrate and promote four core modules.
The online marketing course of Beida Jade Bird pays equal attention to learning effect and project experience accumulation, and adopts many advantages, such as reverse course design, simulating students' learning route, taking the Internet as the teaching environment, learning baffle to monitor online learning effect, and real industry project experience accumulation. The design concept of the course is employment-oriented. Through the practice of network marketing, students can not only learn the network marketing knowledge of system specialty, but also gain work experience. The elites of the network marketing training course of Beida Jade Bird have been hired by major enterprises with high salaries, and the graduates have also found jobs.
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