Chapter 1 User Customization and Add-on Module Management
1. 1 application options 1
1. 1. 1 General tab 1
1. 1.2 Save Tab 2
1. 1.3 File Tab 2
1. 1.4 color label 3
1. 1.5 display tab 3.
1. 1.6 Sketch Tab 5
1. 1.7 Parts Tab 7
1. 1.8 "Parts" Label 9
1. 1.9 Drawing label 12
1. 1. 10 Resource Center tab 16
1.1.11Apply option settings to import and export 17.
1.2 Document Settings 17
1.2. 1 standard label 17
1.2.2 Sketch tab 18
1.2.3 Modeling tab 19
1.2.4 "BOM" label 25
1.2.5 Default Tolerance Tab 26
. 1.2.6 "Drawing" label 27
1.3 Customize Dialog Box 30
1.3. 1 ribbon tab 30
1.3.2 Keyboard Label31
1.3.3 tab menu tab 33
1.3.4 button 35 is used for * * in the custom dialog box.
1.4 add-on module manager 35
1.5 Summary of this chapter 37
Chapter 2 Design Assistants and Additional Tools 38
2. 1 design assistant) 38
2. 1. 1 design result package 39
2. 1.2 Preview design results 43
2. 1.3 managing the connection between design documents 44
2. 1.4 copy design features 48
2. 1.5 management design features 48
2. 1.6 design project management 49
2.2 Additional Tools 49
2.2. 1 add-on module manager 50
2.2.2 Drawing Resource Transfer Wizard 50
Supplier Resource Center 54
2.2.4 Task Planning Procedure 54
Project editor 56
2.2.6 Style Management Wizard 56
2.2.7 Style Library Manager 58
2.3 Overview of this chapter 59
Chapter 3 Advanced Application of Resource Center 60
3. 1 Content Center Editor 60
3. 1. 1 Create and configure the read/write library 62
3. 1.2 Create Category 63
3. 1.3 moving standard part family 64
3. 1.4 conversion library between desktop resource center and server 70
3. 1.5 Modify Family Attribute 7 1
3. 1.6 Modify Family Table 72
3.2 Create a new standard part family using ipart 75
3.2. 1 create ipart 75
3.2.2 Assembly of Parts 79
3.2.3 Release Part 8 1
3.3 Overview of this chapter 82
Chapter 4 inventor ilogic 83
4. 1 inventor ilogic overview 83
4.2 inventor ilogic interface introduction 83
4.2. 1 logic panel 83
Rule editor 84
4.3 Code Writing of Rules 86
4.4 Implementation of Rule 90
4.4. 1 Process of running a single rule 9 1
4.4.2 Order of Running Multiple Rules 94
4.4.3 Method of Rule Operation
4.5 introduction to the functions of ilogic 97
4.6 Taking ILogic function as an example to explain 105
4.6. 1 instance 1: Set enumeration value 106.
4.6.2 Example 2: Adding Tolerances and Notes 107
4.6.3 Example 3: Features, Colors and Threads 109
4.6.4 Example 4: Some settings of iproperty11
4.6.5 Example 5: Data interaction with excel table 1 13
4.6.6 Example 6: Characteristics of reading and writing materials 1 15
4.6.7 Example 7: Message box 1 17
4.6.8 Example 8: Modify the parameters, features and colors in the component 1 19.
4.6.9 Example 9: Suppression and Substitution in Assembly 12 1
4. 6. 10 instance 10: form 122
4.7 ilogic others 124
4.7. 1 What is "loading ilogic parts" 124?
4.7.2 Can the rule be an external file 126?
4.7.3 Parameter Description (component makepath) function 127
4.8 Overview of this chapter 127
Chapter 5 Light Assembly 128
5. 1 windows operating system optimization 128
5. 1. 1 32-bit computer 128
5. 1.2 64-bit machine 130
5. 1.3 graphics card 130
5.2 inventor performance optimization settings 130
5.2. 1 inventor application option settings 130
5.2.2 Add-on Module Manager 135
Select tool 136
5.3 inventor Parts Lightweight 136
5.3. 1 using analog terminal 137
5.3.2 Suppression of detailed features 138
Parts replacement 138
5.4 inventor assembly lightweight 140
5.4. 1 view expression 140
5.4.2 Application of Level of Detail 140
5.4.3 Cladding surface extraction 14 1
5.4.4 Extract the cladding surface instead of 142.
5.4.5 Create the replacement 143.
5.5 Overview of this chapter 144
Chapter VI Advanced Sheet Metal Technology 147
6. 1 Sheet Metal Unfolding Rules 147
6. 1. 1 sheet metal unfolding mechanism 147
6. 1.2 Sheet Metal Unfolding Method 147
6.2 customization of stamping tools 152
6.2. 1 stamping tool customization process 154
6.2.2 Customization of Forming and Stamping Tools 160
6.3 Advanced Sheet Metal Modeling of Part Features 164
6.3. 1 lofting elements should be used together with 164.
6.3.2 Application of Curved Surface 166
6.3.3 Associative design based on part 167
6.3.4 Customized connector 168
6.4 Overview of this chapter 172
Chapter 7 Circuit Design 173
7. 1 working environment 173
7.2 Electrical part 175
7.2. 1 Place contact 176.
7.2.2 Harness characteristics 178
7.2.3 Modify the parts of contact 179.
7.2.4 Writing connector 179
7.2.5 Place electrical parts 180.
7.3 3D wiring library 18 1
7.3. 1 3D wiring library settings 18 1
7.3.2 Add database data 182
7.3.3 Modify the definition of library 185.
7.3.4 Import and export library objects 185
7.4 Creating a Harness 187
Harness settings 187
Conductor 190
7.4.3 Cable 19 1
7.5 Create connector 196
7. 5. 1 Create joint settings 196
Delete connector 197.
7.6 Creating Ribbon Cable 197
7. 6. 1 drop connectors from the resource center 198.
7.6.2 Creating Ribbon Cable 198
7.6.3 Creating a Fold 200
7.7 Wires and Cables 200
7.7. 1 segment 20 1
7.7.2 Wires and Cables 202
7.8 Report 204
7.9 Nail plate 204
7.9. 1 nailboard environment 204
7.9.2 Creating Nail Board 205
7.9.3 Mark the nail plate engineering drawing 206
7.9.4 Basic view of positioning connector 207
7. 10 Summary of this chapter 208
Chapter 8 Pipeline Design 209
8. 1 pipeline design basis 2 10
8. 1. 1 pipeline design environment 2 10
8. 1.2 3D pipeline layout browser 2 12
8. 1.3 Prepare and set 2 12
8. 1.4 Three-dimensional pipeline design example 2 14
8.2 Pipeline Foundation 2 17
8.2. 1 rigid pipeline 2 17
8.2.2 Hose pipeline 2 18
8.2.3 3D Orthogonal Routing Tool 220
8.3 Compile and publish 3D pipeline layout ipart 22 1
8.3. 1 Compile and publish ipart 222 for the pipeline.
8.3.2 Write and publish 45 elbow 224.
8.3.3 Write and publish 90 elbow 225.
8.4 Create Pipeline 226
8.4. 1 dimension tool 226
8.4.2 Parallel and Vertical Tools 226
8.4.3 Constraint Tools 226
8.5 3D Pipe Layout Style 227
8. 5. 1 3D Tube and Pipe Style Editor Brief Introduction 227
8.5.2 Start the 3D Tube and Pipe Style Editor 227.
8.6 3D Pipeline Design Example 23 1
8.6. 1 writing elbow 23 1
Release elbow 233
8.6.3 Creating Automatic Drainage Line Style233
Define gravity 234
8.6.5 Creating and Filling Pipes 235
8.7 Overview of this chapter 237
Chapter 9 Advanced Parts Modeling 238
9. 1 Basic requirements for modeling 238
9.2 inventor function analysis 239
9.2. 1 sketch function 239
9.2.2 Part Functions 240
9.2.3 Analysis Function 24 1
9.3 Modeling Technology241
9.3. 1 modeling rule241
9.3.2 Defining Design Intent 242
9.3.3 Modeling Ideas 242
9.3.4 Modeling Strategies and Steps 244
9.3.5 Modeling Methods and Skills 245
9.3.6 Analysis and inspection of model quality 248
9.4 Modeling example of complex shell parts 249
Modeling method 249
9.4.2 Modeling Example 255
9.5 Overview of this chapter 257
Chapter 10 top-down design 258
10. 1 Top-down design based on conceptual model 258
10. 1. 1 derivative technology 258
10. 1.2 Part Design Based on Copy Object 260
10.2 top-down design based on layout 262
Place and reference sketch block 263.
10.2.2 power generation component 265
10.3 Top-down design based on multi-entity 266
10. 3. 1 Create model framework 267
10.3.2 subdivision model framework 269
10.3.3 Edit Multi-Entity 270
10.3.4 Derived External Entity 275
10.3.5 Create a new entity 276
10.3.6 power generation component 277
10.4 Summary of this chapter 277
Chapter 1 1 Concept Sketch Design 278
The concept sketch design concept of 1 1. 1.278
1 1.2 Advantages of sketch conceptual design 278
1 1.3 concept sketch design technology 279
1 1.3. 1 universal size 279
1 1.3.2 connecting rod size 279
Sketch function under Cagd 280 1 1.3.3
1 1.3.4 projection of geometric primitives 28 1
1 1.3.5 Derivation of conceptual design results 282
1 1.3.6 Comprehensive application example 283
1 1.4 Summary of this chapter 285
Chapter 12 Concurrent Design 286
12.1* * Enjoy resources 286
12.1.1inventor application option * * * Enjoy 287.
12. 1.2 style * * * Enjoy 288
12.2 concurrent design with semi-isolated project 29 1
Basic structural framework 29 1
12.2.2 semi-isolated project configuration 29 1
12.2.3 Create semi-isolated main project 292
Create a semi-isolated workspace 294
12.2.5 Check-in/Check-out mechanism 296
12.3 Summary of this chapter 302
Chapter 13 Association Design Based on Assembly Relation 303
13. 1 inventor to realize the related design of part 303.
13. 1. 1 Several ways to realize Lenovo 3003
13. 1.2 case experience 304
13.2 Summary of this chapter 3 16
Chapter 14 inventor Studio renderings 3 17
14. 1 studio environment 3 17
14.2 static rendering 3 18
14. 2. 1 entity rendering experience 3 18
14.2.2 surface pattern 32 1
14.2.3 scene style 33 1
Camera 334
The local light source 335
14.2.6 Rendered image 338
14.3 animation function 340
The animation timeline 340
14.3.2 part animation 342
14.3.3 lighting animation production 344
14.3.4 restricted animation 347
14.3.5 parameter animation 349
14.3.6 position expression animation 35 1
14.3.7 camera animation 354
14.3.8 light source animation 358
The video production tool 360
14.3. 10 parameter favorites 362
14.3. 1 1 Render animation 362
14.4 animation rendering application example 365
14.5 Summary of this chapter 368