Reiki is an ancient natural therapy, which uses the cosmic life energy of all creatures in the universe to supplement and enhance our physical and mental healing ability, and uses natural energy to supplement the energy that human beings lack, thus enhancing the self-healing ability of human body.
From the point of view of quantum physics, in the process of reiki therapy, cells will absorb the energy of natural life to supplement the body energy, while releasing the heavy negative energy of the body. In this process of acceptance and release, it shows the flow, balance and harmony of life energy.
The existence of this "cosmic life energy" has long been scientifically confirmed, and experiments have proved that it can accelerate the self-healing function, balance the body and stress, and effectively deal with pain. Reiki can improve and balance different systems, including body, emotional body, rational body and spiritual body, and can help reduce stress, balance body and mind, and make people return to a relaxed, happy, peaceful and quiet state.
Reiki teacher believes that people get sick because healthy energy in the body is consumed, while negative energy is attached to the body organs, which leads to illness, and attachment to the spiritual level leads to depression and other problems. Reiki healing is realized by the reiki teacher transferring the endless cosmic life energy in the universe to the needy human body, eliminating negative energy and supplementing healthy energy.