The listening part of the BEC exam takes about 40 minutes, including 10 minutes to fill out the answer sheet after playing the listening materials. Because of the different listening questions in BEC junior high school and senior high school, there are also differences in time allocation. At present, there are two kinds of listening devices: speaker amplifier and earphone. After arriving at the examination room, observe the environment of the examination room first, or ask the relevant staff and invigilators before the exam to make preparations in advance.
If you use headphones in the examination room, be sure to confirm that there is no problem with the equipment in advance, so as not to delay the exam. If you know in advance that the examination room is using a power amplifier, you can try to practice listening with a power amplifier a few days before the exam, and place the equipment in an open place such as a balcony and living room to simulate the environment of the examination room to adapt in advance.