I think the first thing is to see if you have the perseverance to study. If there is, you can choose not to report to class, download some apps that do the questions, brush the questions regularly every day, and summarize the wrong questions. One month before the civil service exam, I suggest that you can buy a set of real test papers or simulation papers and make one every day according to the prescribed time of the exam. This will make you better enter the examination state. When you are free, you should keep abreast of current political news and master the latest political topics. I believe that through this kind of study, you can successfully land even if you don't report for class.
Of course, most people don't have such determination and perseverance, and they can choose to take the exam, just like Zhonggong. If it is inconvenient for them to attend classes at work, they can also choose to take online classes. Are all senior teachers. For the exam, it will make you grasp the key points and difficulties faster.