Because the exam as a security administrator will not limit the number of times you take the exam, which means you can reapply for the exam immediately after you fail, that is, make-up exams.
And enter oneself for an examination a kind of safety officer, namely enter oneself for an examination safety officer C certificate, the entry requirement is that the age is not more than 60 years old, and then the second condition is that the full-time safety production management personnel of the construction enterprise should have a technical secondary school education or have more than one year's safety management experience.
In other words, if you have no experience, you need education, that is, education and experience must be one. Therefore, the final conclusion is that Shenzhen safety administrators can apply for a make-up exam immediately if they fail the exam, but they need to make an appointment for the exam, just like we apply for a driving test.
April 14, in Zhixingyuan, participated in the case supervision and ethical discussion of the fifth group of the second