The total score of the exam is 170+ 170+6(340+6), and the subjects are oral English 170 (fill in the blanks+reading), quantitative 170 (mathematics) and writing 6 (questions+arguments).
GRE, the full name of Graduate Entrance Examination, is an American graduate entrance examination. Applicable to all majors except law and some business subjects. GRE is sponsored by educational testing service.
There are two types of GRE exams:
GRE exam: The content of the exam is to measure candidates' verbal reasoning, quantitative reasoning and analytical writing ability. We usually talk about this kind of exam.
GRE professional examination: The content of the examination is to measure the knowledge, skills and abilities of candidates in a certain discipline or professional field, so as to help colleges and universities better understand the applicant's abilities in a certain discipline.
Examination time
Mainland students have 1-3 offline exams every month; Non-mainland students can take exams every day. Because of the epidemic, mainland students can also take exams at home and every day. The GRE is valid for 5 years, and you can apply for it up to 5 times a year with an interval of 20 days (2 1 day).