If you want to study in employment, I suggest you study systematically. You must study hard, practice hard and sum up carefully. Only in this way can we constantly improve our modeling strength. This is also a very scientific logical chain of learning methods. While doing a good training class, you should also make more efforts, and you can't always rely on teachers. Mastering yourself is the key.
Moreover, it is very important to choose a good educational institution. Take Wang Education as an example. All cities in China 13 have directly operated campuses, all of which are equipped with on-site face-to-face lectures by director-level teachers. Want to know how strong Wang Education's physical training is, just try it for free. Click: Wang Education National Sports Campus-Online Audition Link.
In addition to high-quality teachers, Wang Education's investment in teaching research and development is more prominent. In the APPlication market, you can search and download: Drawing Learning app, which is a teaching aid app developed by Wang Education for many years. There are a lot of course video tutorials on it, tens of thousands of new and old students exchange and study on it, and thousands of companies recruit on it. You can learn about it.