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H. Chinese rose, hibiscus flower, also known as Zhu Jin, safflower and Zhu Jin peony. It is an evergreen shrub of Malvaceae. The stem is erect and multi-branched, and the crown is far away, up to 6 meters high. Leaves alternate, broadly ovoid to narrowly ovoid, 7~ 10 cm long, 3 main veins, acute or acuminate apex, coarsely serrated or notched leaf margin, nearly entire base, hairless or slightly sparse dorsal veins, like mulberry leaves. Flowers are large, stalks drooping or straight, solitary in the axils of upper leaves, single and double; Single petals are funnel-shaped, usually rose-red, while double petals are not funnel-shaped and are red, yellow, pink and white. Flowering occurs all year round, and it is the most prosperous in summer and autumn.
Latin scientific name: hibiscus hibiscus.
English name: Chinese hibiscus rosae-Chinese flower, Chinese alias: Zhu Jin, Hibiscus, Hibiscus, Riji, Fosang, Hibiscus hibiscus, Hibiscus hibiscus, Hibiscus hibiscus, Hibiscus hibiscus, Zhao Dianhong, Hibiscus songensis, Zhao Dianhong, Malaysian National Flower, Erhonghua, Flower on Flower, Earth Safflower, etc.
Family and genus
Field: the plant kingdom in the plant kingdom
Door: angiosperm magnolia door
Class: Subclass Dicotyledonous Magnolia
Objective: Malvaceae plants.
Family: Malvaceae.
Genus: Hibiscus.
Category: Zhu Jin.