Be familiar with the type of article you want to write. When you determine your topic and focus, think about the type of article that best suits your point of view. Some article types are more suitable for certain topics. Some of the most common file types are:
Paper elements: Introduce recent or upcoming facts. It usually includes five W's and H's: who, what, when, where and how.
Features: This type of article is more creative and descriptive than direct news articles. It can be an article about people, phenomena, places or other topics.
Editor: This article introduces the author's views on a topic or debate. It aims to persuade readers to think about a theme in a certain way.
How to do it: This article provides clear instructions and information on how to accomplish some tasks.
Introduction: This paper introduces the information about someone through the information collected by the author usually through interviews and background research.
Conduct a preliminary study. If you are completely unfamiliar with your topic (for example, you need to write a specific topic about class work), then you need to start some preliminary research. Enter some keywords in the search engine. This can guide you to write information about your topic. These materials can also give you an idea of different approaches to this topic.
Read as many topics as possible. Visit your local library. Consult books, magazine articles, published interviews and online functions, as well as news sources, blogs and databases for information. A good place to start looking for less obvious data on the Internet is the gale catalog of the database, which has both book formats (which can be found in libraries) and online books.