One day, the host entertained the guests. A guest saw the situation in the master's kitchen and said to the master, "Your kitchen should be cleaned up."
The host asked, "Why?"
The guest said, "Your chimney is too straight, and the firewood is too close to the fire." You should bend the chimney a little more and move the firewood away, otherwise it will catch fire easily. "
The host listened, smiled, shrugged off, ignored, and soon forgot about it.
Then the house really caught fire, and the neighbors came at once. Some water it, some move soil, and some move things. Everyone worked hard to put out the fire, and the fire was finally put out. Except for burning a small part of the kitchen, it didn't cause a big disaster.
In order to reward everyone's full assistance, the host killed cattle and prepared wine, and hosted a banquet. During the dinner, the host warmly invited the burned people to sit at the dining table. Except the person who suggested rebuilding the chimney and removing firewood, everyone else took their seats in order.
Everyone is eating and drinking happily. Suddenly, someone reminded the host: "If you had listened to the guest's suggestion, rebuilt the chimney and removed the firewood, you wouldn't have caused today's losses, and you wouldn't have to kill cattle to buy wine to treat everyone." Now, how can you forget the guest who warned and advised you in advance? Is it true that those who put forward fire prevention have no merit, and only those who take part in fire fighting have merit? I think you should invite your guest and ask him to sit down! "
After listening to this, the host suddenly realized. He quickly invited the guests, not only said many words of thanks, but also really asked him to sit on the table and everyone applauded.
Later, when the owner built the new kitchen, he did as the guest suggested, bent the chimney and put the firewood in a safe place, because there was still a long way to go.
Take precautions before they happen. Famous saying 1, Be prepared for danger in times of peace, and be prepared for danger in times of peace. -In the Spring and Autumn Period, Zuo Qiuming's Zuo Zhuan Eleven Years of "xianggong"
When you are in a safe environment, you should consider the possible dangers, and you will be prepared when you consider the dangers. If you are prepared in advance, you can avoid disaster.
2, save for a rainy day, not thirsty to dig wells. -"Zhu Zi Family Instructions" Zhu Ming Yongchun
Everything should be prepared first, like building a house before it rains, not cramming at the last minute, like digging a well when you are thirsty.
3, July filariasis, September clothes. The first day I was fat, the next day I was fierce. -Excerpted from "National Wind, Qi Feng, July" in the pre-Qin period.
In July, the fire went down to the west, and in September, women sewed cold clothes. 1 1 the north wind blows hard in the month,1the cold wind blows hard in February.
4. everything is established in advance, and it will be abolished if it is not planned. -Dai Sheng Western Han Dynasty "The Book of Rites, the Doctrine of the Mean"
Everything you do can be successful if you are prepared in advance, and you will fail if you are not prepared. If you are ready to speak, you won't be unable to stand up; Make up your mind to act again, and there will be no mistakes and regrets.
5, the gentleman sees a few things, not all day. -Spring and Autumn Annals "Cohesion under the Book of Changes"
A gentleman will act decisively when he sees no obvious signs, and will not wait and hesitate all day.