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Java Tetris
Import java.awt. *;

Import java.awt.event. *;

//Tetris class

Common class Mytest extension framework (

Public static boolean isPlay = false

public static int level= 1,score = 0;

Public static TextField scoreField, levelField

Public static MyTimer timer;

GameCanvas gameScr

public static void main(String[]argus){

Mytest ers = new Mytest ("Tetris game");

window listener win _ listener = new win listener();

ers . addwindowlistener(win _ listener);


//Construction method of Tetris class

Mytest (string title)

Super (title);


set layout(new GridLayout( 1,2));

game Cr = new game canvas();

games Cr . addkey listener(games Cr);

timer = new my timer(gameScr);

timer . set daemon(true);

timer . start();

timer . suspend();

Add (games Cr);

Panel rights Cr = new Panel();

rights Cr . set layout(new GridLayout(2, 1,0,30));

rights Cr . setsize( 120500);

add(rights Cr);

//Layout of the information form on the right

my panel info SCR = new my panel();

info SCR . set layout(new GridLayout(4, 1,0,5));

infoScr.setSize( 120,300);

rights Cr . add(infos Cr);

//Define labels and initial values

Label scorep = new label ("score:", label. Left);

Label level p = new label ("series:", label. Left);

score field = new TextField(8);

level field = new TextField(8);

score field . set editable(false);

level field . set editable(false);

info SCR . add(scorep);

info SCR . add(score field);

info SCR . add(levelp);

info SCR . add(level field);

Scorep.setSize (new dimension (20,60));

ScoreField.setSize (new dimension (20,60));

Levelp.setSize (new dimension (20,60));

LevelField.setSize (new dimension (20,60));

score field . settext(" 0 ");

level field . settext(" 1 ");

//Layout of the right control button form

my panel control SCR = new my panel();

control SCR . set layout(new GridLayout(5, 1,0,5));

rights Cr . add(controls Cr);

//Define button play

Button play_b = new Button ("start the game");

Play_b.setSize (new dimension (50,200));

Play_b.addActionListener (new command (Command.button_play, gameScr)););

//Define the button level up.

Button level_up_b = new Button ("perfect series");

Level_up_b.setSize (new dimension (50,200));

level _ up _ b . addactionlistener(new Command(Command . button _ level up,gameScr));

//Define the button level down.

Button level _ down _ b = new button ("reduce series");

Level_down_b.setSize (new dimension (50,200));

level _ down _ b . addactionlistener(new Command(Command . button _ level down,gameScr));

//Define button-level pause

Button pause _ b = new button ("game pause");

Pause_b.setSize (new dimension (50,200));

pause _ b . addactionlistener(new Command(Command . button _ pause,gameScr));

//Define button to exit.

Button quit_b = new Button ("quit the game");

Quit_b.setSize (new dimension (50,200));

Quit_b.addActionListener (new command (Command.button_quit, gameScr)););

controls Cr . add(play _ b);

control SCR . add(level _ up _ b);

control SCR . add(level _ down _ b);

control SCR . add(pause _ b);

control SCR . add(quit _ b);

set visible(true);

games Cr . request focus();



//Override the MyPanel class to leave space around the panel.

MyPanel class extension panel {

public Insets getInsets(){

Returns the new Insets(30, 50, 30, 50);



//Game Canvas Class

GameCanvas class extends Canvas to realize KeyListener{

Final int unitSize = 30// side length of small square

Int rowNum// Number of rows in the square

Int columnNum// Number of columns in the rule grid

Int maxAllowRowNum///How many lines are not allowed to be cut?

Int blockInitRow// coordinates of the starting line of the new block.

Intblockitool//coordinates of the starting column of the new block.

int[][]scrar; //Screen array

Block b; //Quick quotation from the other party

//Construction method of canvas class


rowNum = 15;

column num = 10;

maxAllowRowNum = rowNum-2;

B = new block (this);

block initrow = rowNum- 1;

blockInitCol = column num/2-2;

scrArr = new int[32][32];


//Initialize the screen and clear the screen array.

void initScr(){

for(int I = 0; I & ltrowNumi++)

for(int j = 0; j & ltcolumnNumj++)

scrArr[I][j]= 0;

b . reset();



//method for refresh canvas

Public blank paint (figure g)

for(int I = 0; I & ltrowNumi++)

for(int j = 0; j & ltcolumnNumj++)



//Method of drawing a square

public void drawUnit(int row,int col,int type){

scrArr[row][col]= type;

graphics g = get graphics();

Switch(type){ // indicates a quick drawing method.

Case 0: g.set color (; Break; //Draw with the background as the color.

Case1:g.set color (; Break; //Draw a falling square.

Case 2: g.set color (color.magenta); Break; //Draw a method that has fallen behind.


g.fill3DRect(col*unitSize,getSize()。 height-(row+ 1)*unitSize,unitSize,unitSize,true);

g . dispose();


Common block getBlock(){

Return to b; //Returns a reference to a block instance.


//Returns the property value of (row, col) position in the screen array.

public int getScrArrXY(int row,int col){

if(row & lt; 0 | | row & gt= rowNum | | col & lt0 | | col & gt= columnNum)

return(- 1);




//Returns the initial line coordinate method of the new block.

public int getInitRow(){

return(blockInitRow); //Returns the initial row coordinates of the new block.


//Returns the initial column coordinate method of the new block.

public int getInitCol(){

return(blockInitCol); //Returns the initial column coordinates of the new block.


//whole line deletion method

void deleteFullLine(){

int full _ line _ num = 0;

int k = 0;

for(int I = 0; Me & ltrownumi++)

boolean isfull = true

l 1:for(int j = 0; j & ltcolumnNumj++)

if(scrArr[i][j] == 0){


isfull = false

Break l1;


if(is full)full _ line _ num++;

If (k! = 0 & amp& ampk- 1! = i & amp& amp! isfull)

for(int j = 0; j & ltcolumnNumj++){

if (scrArr[i][j] == 0)

drawUnit(k- 1,j,0);


drawUnit(k- 1,j,2);

scrArr[k- 1][j]= scrArr[I][j];



for(int I = k- 1; Me & ltrownumi++)

for(int j = 0; j & ltcolumnNumj++){


scrArr[I][j]= 0;



mytest . score+= full _ line _ num;

mytest . score field . settext("+mytest . score);


//Method for judging whether the game is over or not

Boolean is gamend(){

for(int col = 0; col & ltcolumnNumcol ++){

if(scrArr[maxAllowRowNum][col]! =0)

Return true


Returns false


KeyEvent e){ typed by public void (


public void key released(key event e){


//Method for processing keyboard input

Common void key (key event e) (

If (! Mytest.isPlay)



Case key events. VK _ DOWN:b . falldown(); Break;

Case key events. VK _ left: b.leftmove (); Break;

Case key events. VK _ right: b.rightmove (); Break;

Case key events. VK _ space: b.leftturn (); Break;




//Processing control class

Class command implements ActionListener{

Static final intbutton _ play =1; //Assign a number to the button

static final int button _ level up = 2;

static final int button _ level down = 3;

Static final int button _ quit = 4;;

Static final int button _ pause = 5;;

Static boolean pause _ resume = true

Int curButton// Current button

GameCanvas scr

//Control the construction method of button class

Command (int button, game canvas SCR) (

CurButton = button;

this.scr = scr


//button execution method

public void action performed(action event e){

Switch (limit button)

Case button _ Play: If (! Mytest.isPlay){

SCR . init SCR();

Mytest.isPlay = true

mytest . score = 0;

mytest . score field . settext(" 0 ");

mytest . timer . resume();


SCR . request focus();


case button _ level up:if(mytest . level & lt; 10){

mytest . level++;

mytest . level field . settext("+mytest . level);

mytest . score = 0;

mytest . score field . settext("+mytest . score);


SCR . request focus();


case button _ level down:if(mytest . level & gt; 1){

mytest . level-;

mytest . level field . settext("+mytest . level);

mytest . score = 0;

mytest . score field . settext("+mytest . score);


SCR . request focus();


case button _ pause:if(pause _ resume){

mytest . timer . suspend();

pause _ resume = false

} Otherwise {

mytest . timer . resume();

pause _ resume = true


SCR . request focus();


case button _ quit:system . exit(0);




//Block class

Class block {

Static int[][] mode = {

{0x0f00, 0x4444, 0x0f00, 0x4444},//is represented by hexadecimal to, and this line represents the four states of the bar.




{0x6220,0x 1700,0x2230,0x0740},




The mode number of the int blockType// module (0-6).

Flip state of int turnState// block (0-3)

Int blockState// fast falling state

Int row, col// Coordinates of blocks on canvas

GameCanvas scr

Construction method of block class

Block(GameCanvas scr){

this.scr = scr

block type =(int)(math . random()* 1000)% 7;

turnState =(int)(math . random()* 1000)% 4;

block state = 1;

row = SCR . geti nitrow();

col = SCR . getinitcol();


//Reinitialize the block and display the new block.

Public void reset () {

block type =(int)(math . random()* 1000)% 7;

turnState =(int)(math . random()* 1000)% 4;

block state = 1;

row = SCR . geti nitrow();

col = SCR . getinitcol();

disp block( 1);


//Method to realize "block" flipping

Turn left at public void () {

if(assertValid(blockType,(turnState + 1)%4,row,col)){

disp block(0);

turn state =(turn state+ 1)% 4;

disp block( 1);



//Method to realize the left shift of "block"

public void leftMove(){

if(assertValid(blockType,turnState,row,col- 1)){

disp block(0);


disp block( 1);



//Move the block to the right.

public void rightMove(){

if(assertValid(blockType,turnState,row,col+ 1)){

disp block(0);


disp block( 1);



//Method for implementing block discarding operation

public boolean fallDown(){

if(blockState == 2)

Return (false);

if(assertValid(blockType,turnState,row- 1,col)){

disp block(0);


disp block( 1);

Return (true);

} Otherwise {

block state = 2;

disp block(2);

Return (false);



//Method of judging whether it is correct or not

boolean assertValid(int t,int s,int row,int col){

int k = 0x8000

for(int I = 0; I<4; i++){

for(int j = 0; j & lt4; j++){

if((int)(pattern[t][s]& amp; k)! = 0){

int temp = scr.getScrArrXY(row-i,col+j);

if(temp & lt; 0 ||| Temperature ==2)

Returns false


k = k & gt& gt 1;



Return true


//Method of synchronous display

Public synchronization void dispblock (int s) (

int k = 0x8000

for(int I = 0; I<4; i++){

for(int j = 0; j & lt4; j++){

if(((int)pattern[block type][turnState]& amp; k)! = 0){



k = k & gt& gt 1;





//Timed thread

MyTimer class extension thread {

GameCanvas scr

Public MyTimer(GameCanvas scr){) (

this.scr = scr


Public invalid operation () {


Try {

sleep(( 10-mytest . level+ 1)* 100);


catch(InterruptedException e){}

If (! scr.getBlock()。 fallDown()){

SCR . delete full line();

if(SCR . isgamend()){

Mytest.isPlay = false

Suspend ();

} Otherwise,

scr.getBlock()。 reset();





Class WinListener extends WindowAdapter{

public void window closing(window event l){

system . exit(0);

