Deutschmann used to be a newspaper reporter and editor, and received his Ph.D. in quantitative methods of competence, communication theory and social psychology from Stanford University. Also a Ph.D. student at Stanford, he became good friends with danielson who cooperated with the background research of professional newspapers.
EV Rogers met Daniels in the newly established department of Michigan State University 1959, and Deutschman showed him the S-type diffusion curve he was studying at that time, which showed his views on the news event communication. In contrast, Rogers' agricultural innovation and news event diffusion curve spread faster. As Deutschman said at that time, this is "damn fast communication" (personal communication). Thanks to the article by Deutschmann and danielson (1960) on news event communication, this research topic is very popular among communication scholars. News events that have lost interest in this topic (such as 9/1or Columbia space shuttle crash in 2003) continue to attract scholars (Singhal Rogers, Ma,1999; Rogers and Cedell, 2002).
In the early 1960s, éDeutschmann moved to San José, Costa Rica, and worked with Dr. Orlando ·FALS· Bolda, a sociologist working at Columbia National University in Bogata. He has been studying the diffusion model of saució Colombia village: a small Andean mountain area has 7 1 household. Deutshmann and FalsBorda( 1962) put forward the first diffusion survey in developing countries. Soon, many scholars will exchange research on diffusion. A few years ago, FALS· Bolda, the promoter of agricultural change, studied six agricultural innovations (such as fertilizers, new potato varieties and pesticides) and introduced them to the public.
The adoption rate of familiar S-shaped curve 6 features is these innovations of Columbia Village (Germany and FALS· Bolda, 1962).
German research, Colombians and FALS· Bolda set off a wave in the diffusion of technological innovation. He attracted doctoral students from Michigan State University who were interested in diffusion studies. After Deutschmann retired, Everett Rogers was employed by the University of Michigan to continue his diffusion research in developing countries (1962). The number of diffusion scholars has expanded rapidly since 1960. In mid-2007, about 600 scholars studying diffusion public communication can study Cache 4 from 6,000, more than any other scholars studying rural sociology and marketing.
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