China Journal of Hospital Management, 20 1 1, 27 (2): 100- 103 (correspondent)
(2) Tao, Guo, Liu, Liang Jing and Ke Xiaohua. Clinical pathway management of inpatients with acute appendicitis.
Comparative analysis of cost impact [J]. China Journal of Hospital Management, 20 10/0,26 (10): 742-744 (first author).
(3) Liang Jing, Tao, Guo, Liu and Ke Xiaohua. Different medical insurance payment methods affect the implementation of clinical pathway.
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(4) Ke Xiaohua, Tao, Liang Jing, Liu. Analysis on the present situation and countermeasures of hospital experts supporting community in China [J] Hospital management.
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(5) Tao, Liu and Liang Jing. General situation and reasons of implementing clinical pathway in hospitals [J] Hospital management in China.
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(7), Tao, et al. Analysis of quality requirements of different management positions in hospitals [J]. Medicine and Society, 20 1 1, 24 (7): 54-57.
(8) Liang Jing, Tao, et al. Research and thinking on the third-party evaluation of medical quality [J]. Medicine and Society, 201,24(6):
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Tao, Liang Jing, Liang Minghui, Liu, Guo, Ke Xiaohua.
Comparative analysis [J]. China Journal of Hospital Management, 25, 2009 (12): 804-808 (first author).
(10) Song Dan; Liu; Wang Jun; Chen Yan; Yang Hongli; Tao, et al. Implementation of clinical pathway of variant coronary angiography
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(12) Tao, Ye Jianjun, Miao, Hou, Xiong Guanglian, Guo Shilin, Close contact with active pulmonary tuberculosis can cause the disease.
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(13) Tao, Miao, Ye Jianjun,&,lt; ,/SPAN & gt; Hou, Guo Shilin,. Pathogenic factors of close contacts of active pulmonary tuberculosis patients
Analysis [J]. China Public Health, 2009,25 (5): 526-527 First author)
(14) Tao Hongbing. Division and cooperation between hospitals and community health institutions: basic premise and policy suggestions [J]. Research on health policy in China,
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(15), Tao, Guo, Miao. Comparative analysis of macro-environment and micro-management in the implementation of clinical pathway [J].
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(16), Jiang Hanping, Luo Lexuan, Fang,,, Guo, Tao. Management mode of Shenzhen hospital.
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(17) Jiang Hanping, Luo Lexuan, Luo, Guo, Tao. Shenzhen community health service center.
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(18) Jin Jing, Tao, quality control and continuous improvement strategy in the implementation of clinical pathway [J]. Medicine and society,
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(20) Miao and Tao. Analysis on the connotation and extension of public welfare in public hospitals [J]. Medicine and Society, 2009,22 (4);
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(2 1) Tao, Miao, and so on. Research and application of evaluation index of hospitalization expense control system for cesarean section. China Hospital Management,
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Tao, Guo Shilin, etc. Study on the influence of implementing clinical pathway on the control of medical expenses. China Health Economics,
(25) Tao, Guo Shilin, et al. Study on the role of community health service institutions in disease prevention and control. China Public Health,
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(26) Tao and Guo Shilin. Analysis of blood donation behavior of unpaid blood donors and its influencing factors. China Public Health, 2008, 24.
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(27) Tao,. Analysis of influencing factors of non-blood donors. Health of workers in China, 2008,24 (8):1008-1009.
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(29) Tao and Guo Shilin. Problems existing in two-way referral and the assumption of reasonable diversion mechanism. China Hospital Management, 2007,
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Tao, Fang. Medical cost control based on clinical pathway. China Social Security, 2007, (10): 48-49.
(3 1) Tao, Guo Shilin, Causes and countermeasures of unreasonable choice of medical treatment for patients in urban communities. Medicine and society,
2007,20(6): 16- 17
(32) Tao, Fang, and so on. Influencing factors and countermeasures of health knowledge awareness rate of women of childbearing age in rural poverty-stricken areas
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(33) Tao, Miao. Analysis of worrying factors affecting citizens' voluntary blood donation and its countermeasures. Chinese health service management,
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Tao, Guo Shilin, Fang, et al. Study on the causes and protective countermeasures of sharp instrument stab wounds of interns. Environment and occupation.
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Publish academic works and teaching materials
(1) Monograph, Medical Quality and Cost Control Strategies Based on Clinical Pathway Management, Science Press, 20 10.7.
(2) Associate Editor, Modern Hospital Management Course (textbook of national medical colleges and universities, planning textbook of China Academy of Sciences textbook construction expert committee), Science Press, 2009+0.
(3) Deputy Editor, Blood Transfusion Risk Management, Hubei Science and Technology Press, August 2008.
(4) Editorial Committee of Contemporary Social Security, Hubei Science and Technology Press, 2006.8+00.