Abbreviated rank date; Digital optical recording (digital optical recording)
dor 1 [d? :]
Noun (short for noun)
(Europe) dung beetles [also called dorbeetle]
Firefly [also known as Dole]
dor2 [d? :]
Noun (short for noun)
[archaic] to laugh at, laugh at, laugh at
transitive verb
Laugh at, laugh at
-DOR coordinate mark; Digital optical recording; Opioid receptor; Point marking; Coordinate mark
I also encountered the same problem, such as the DOR command, so I had to click on the icon.
digital optical recording
Computer and Network English Vocabulary (D3) ...
Doping doping
digital optical recording
disc operating system (DOS) ...
Opioid receptor
In this thesis, the dorsal root ganglion neurons of mice were studied, and the regulation of δ opioid receptor (DOR) on the cell surface was the core. Cell biology, electrophysiology and pharmacology were used to study the expression and regulation mechanism of DOR on cell surface.
Point marking
Commonly used CAD shortcut keys ...
DCE: center mark
Point marking
TOL: dimensional tolerance ...
-swordfish; swordfish
Constellations love to ask intellectuals. ...
Swordfish Swordfish
Draco. Draco. ...
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