2 language environment constraints on sentence selection
3 ×××× dialect research (including pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, etc. ) Special Report 4×××× Dialect Phenomenon 5 New Words Description
6 Rhetorical Significance of New Nouns Predicates 7 On Modern Chinese Phonetic Characters 8 On Modern Chinese Phonetic Characters 9 On the Basic Laws of the Evolution of Chinese Characters 10 On the Combination and Simplification of the Evolution of Chinese Characters1/Research on Chinese Character Coding and Scheme Design 12 Research on Chinese Character Teaching Methods.
The Polysemy of the Word 13 and the Polysemy of Morphemes
14 cultural background and language factors involved in the evolution of hometown names and place names 15 on the essence of language from the perspective of social function16 ×××××× year×× month× day× month× month× day× month× day× month× day× month× day × month× month× day × month× month × day × month× month × day × month × day × month × month × month × day × month × month × month ×
19 ×××× Dialect and Putonghua Phonetics Correspondence 20 Semantic Factors in Grammar 2 1 Relationship between Pragmatics and Grammar
22 Research on Cultural Information of Chinese Characters; 23 Representation Function of Modern Chinese Characters; 24 Research on Chinese Characters' Properties
Grammatical Phenomena of 25×××× Dialect and 26×××× Dialect Phonology
27 on the new typical novel view
Aesthetic significance of the debate between words and meanings in Wei and Jin dynasties in the 28 th century
Li Zhi's Aesthetic Thought and Literary Thought in the Late Ming and Early Qing Dynasties
30 Zhu Guang's Potential Position and Function in Contemporary China Aesthetic History
3 1 Comment on Li Zehou's Aesthetic Thought (you can determine your own specific aesthetic point of view to comment) 32 The present situation and historical origin of China's experience aesthetics 33 The formation and development of China's artistic conception theory.
The influence of Zen Buddhism on the development of China's aesthetics (decide a certain era or a certain person by yourself) 35 Investigation on the aesthetic taste of contemporary China college students 36 Dynamic description of aesthetic psychology of art appreciation 37 Individual differences in art acceptance 38 Aesthetic education and social civilization progress 39 Discussion on the internal structure of Lu Ling's novels 40 On tragic beauty.