Luo Xiaoping, Yan Qing, Peng Hongqing. Extraction of gold from polysulfide solution [J]. Hydrometallurgy, 2006,82 (3-4):144 ~144.
Luo Xianping, Xiong Shuhua, Xie Minghui, Jiang Leyong. Experimental Study on Enhanced Cyanide Leaching of Gold Oxide Ore [J]. chinese journal of process engineering, 2006,6 (Supplement): 26 ~ 29 (including EI).
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Luo Xianping, Li Jianchang, Yan Qun, Liu Jun, Feng Dan, Huang Junwen. Screening of Adsorption Materials for Treating Low Concentration Ammonia Nitrogen Wastewater [j]. Journal of Chemical Engineering, 20 10/0,61(1): 216-222 (in ei:
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Luo Xianping, Liu Beilin, Tang. Experimental study on comprehensive recovery of valuable metals from tungsten smelting slag [j]. China Tungsten Industry, 2005, (3): 24-26.
Luo Xianping, Yan Qun, Xie Minghui and Yan Zhiming. Experimental study on flotation process of a lead-zinc oxide ore [j]. Nonferrous metals: mineral processing, 2005, (1): 7-10,6
Luo Xianping, Wang Dianzuo, Sun Tichang, Qiu Ting Province. Experimental study on potential regulation flotation of a Cu-Pb-Zn polymetallic sulfide ore [j]. Metal Mine, 2006, (6): 30-34.
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[1 1] Luo Xianping, Wang Dianzuo, Sun Tichang, et al. Small-scale experimental study on clean beneficiation of refractory lead-zinc ore [J]. Journal of Jiangxi University of Technology, 2006,27 (4): 4-7
Luo Xianping, Xie Minghui, Yang Kun. Laboratory simulation study on urban domestic sewage treatment by land treatment system [J]. Jiangsu Environmental Science and Technology, 2006,19 (2):14 ~16.
[13] Luo Xianping, Xie Minghui. Present situation and research development direction of purification and resource utilization of mineral processing wastewater in metal mines [J]. China Mining Industry, 2006,15 (10): 51~ 56.
Luo Xianping, Cheng Jilin, Ge Qinghai, Wang Xingming, Shi. Study on comprehensive utilization of tailings in Huangshi old gold mine [J]. China Mining Industry, 2006, 15 (1): 30 ~ 34.
[15] Luo Xianping, Gong Enmin. Experimental study on extracting nickel from nickel-bearing serpentine by acid leaching [J]. Non-ferrous metals: smelting part, 2006, (4): 28 ~ 30,42
[16] Luo Xianping, Xiong Shuhua, Xie Minghui, Jiang Leyong. Experimental study and industrial practice of enhanced cyanide leaching of oxidized gold ores [J]. Mining Research and Development, 2006,26 (5): 34 ~ 36,44
[17] Luo xianping, Yan Zhiming, Chen Huaqiang. Comprehensive Recovery of Zinc Oxide from Tailings of Huili Zinc Mine [J]. Metal Mine, 2007, (8): 86 ~ 89.
Luo Xianping, Cheng Xuan, Hu Min, Wang Dianzuo, Sun Tichang. Study on flotation technology of lead-zinc mine in Xinqiao, Anhui [J]. Metal ore, 2008, (2): 6 1-65.
Luo Xianping, He Liping, Zhou Xiaowen, Fu Dan, Cheng Xuan. Research progress of flotation kinetics [J]. Metal Ore, 2008, (4): 7 1-74, 102.
Luo Xianping, Fu Zhongyuan, Chen Huaqiang, Yan Qun, Qiu Ting, He Liping. Study on New Flotation Technology of Cu-Pb-Zn Polymetallic Sulfide Ore in Huili [J]. Metal Mine, 2008, (8): 45-5 1.
[2 1] Luo xianping, Chen Huaqiang, Yan Zhiming, Qiu Ting, Yan Qun, He Liping. Experimental study on separation of copper from Huili zinc mine [J]. Journal of Jiangxi University of Science and Technology, 2008, (5): 5- 1 1.
Luo Xianping, Fu Dan, Chen Shenghu, Yuan Xianqiang, Yang Bei, Zhang Jun. Research on Mineral Processing Technology of a Tungsten-molybdenum Mine in Fujian [j]. Metal Mine, 2009, (6): 73-76.
Luo Xianping, Lu Zhonghai, Zhou Yue, Chen Shenghu, Yang Bei, Yuan Xianqiang, Zhou. Research progress on adsorption mechanism of collectors on sulfide minerals [J]. Journal of Jiangxi University of Science and Technology, 2009, (5): 5-9,28
Luo xianping Mechanism and application of potential controlled flotation of refractory lead-zinc sulfide ore [M]. Metallurgical Industry Press, 20 10. ISBN 978-7-5024-5238-2
The invention patent application is shown in the following table:No. Patent Name ApplicationNo. Patent/PublicationNo. 1 Potential Control of Preferential Flotation Process of Copper, Lead and Zinc Sulfide Ore 20081KLOC-0/36201.92 A Recovery and Treatment Method of Gold Cyanide Tailings 20081KLOC-0/ 36202.3 A flotation separation process for refractory copper-zinc sulfide ore 2008015371.3zl2009101537/.34 A simple unpowered flotation device (utility model) 200920/ 85046.xzl20092065438+2009101010533152.x8 beneficiation method of a copper-nickel sulfide ore 2010/kl. 0567483.5 9 Mineral processing method of a spodumene ore 206538+026588 10 A treatment method of ammonia nitrogen wastewater.