1. Problem description:
This is a static analysis of a single load step structure with angle braces. As shown in the figure, the pin hole in the upper left corner is welded and fixed. The distributed force acts on the pin hole in the lower right corner. The goal of this problem is to be familiar with the basic process of ANSYS analysis. Use the American system of units.
The Young's modulus of the material is 30E6 psi and Poisson's ratio is 0.27.
2. Geometric modeling:
Step 1: Define a rectangle.
1. main menu & gt preprocessor & gt modeling & gt creating & gtAreas & gt rectangle & gt by size.
2. Enter the following:
X 1 = 0,X2 = 6,Y 1 = - 1,Y2 = 1
3. Apply to create the first rectangle.
4. Enter the following:
X 1 = 4,X2 = 6,Y 1 = - 1,Y2 = -3
5. OK to create the second rectangle and close the dialog box.
Step 2: Change the drawing properties and redraw.
1. utility menu & gt drawing Ctrls & gt number
2. Open the area code.
3. OK to change the control, close the dialog box, and then print again.
4. Toolbar: SAVE_DB.
Step 3: Change the work plane to polar coordinate system and create the first circle.
1. Utility Menu & gt Work Plane & gt Show Work Plane (Open)
2. Practical Menu & gt Work Plane & gtWP Settings
3. Click the polar coordinates.
4. Click the grid and the triad.
5. Enter 0. 1 as the capture increment.
6. Confirm the definition settings and close the dialog box.
7. Main menu & gt preprocessor & gt modeling & gt creating & gtAreas & gtCircle & gt solid circle.
8. Pick the center point: WP X = 0, WP Y = 0.
9. Move the mouse to the radius 1, and then click the left button to create a circle.
10. Confirm to close the picking menu.
1 1. Toolbar: SAVE_DB.
Step 4: Move the work plane and create a second circle.
1. utility menu & gt work plane & gt offset WP to> key point.
2. Pick up the key points in the lower left corner of the rectangle.
3. Pick up the key point in the lower right corner of the rectangle.
4. Make sure to close the picking menu.
5. Main menu & gt preprocessor & gt modeling & gt creating & gtAreas & gtCircle & gt solid circle.
6. Pick the center point: WP X = 0, WP Y = 0.
7. Move the mouse to the radius 1, and then click the left key to create a circle.
8. Make sure to close the picking menu.
9. Toolbar: SAVE_DB.
Step 5: Add the surface.
1. Main menu & gt Preprocessor & gt Modeling & gtOperate & gt Boolean & gt Add> Region.
2. Select all areas to add.
3. Toolbar: SAVE_DB.
Step 6: Create a straight chamfer
1. Utility menu & gtPlotCtrls & gt number
2. Open the line number.
3. Confirm to change the control, close the dialog box, and automatically reprint.
4. Utility Menu & gt Work Plane & gt Display Work Plane (Close)
5. Main menu & gt preprocessor & gt modeling & gt creating & gt lines & gt line fillet.
6. Pick up lines 17 and 8.
7. Confirm the completion of the delivery line (in the delivery menu).
8. Enter 0.4 as the radius.
9. OK to create line fillet and close the dialog box.
10. Practical menu & gtPlot & gt line
Step 7: Create a chamfer face.
1. utility menu & gtPlotCtrls & gt pan, zoom and rotate.
2. Click the zoom button.
3. Move the mouse to the fillet area, click the left button, move the mouse out and click again.
4. Main menu & gt preprocessor & gt modeling & gt creating & gtAreas & gt any> by line.
5. Select lines 4, 5 and 1.
6. Confirm the creation area and close the picking menu.
7. Click the appropriate button.
8. Close the Translation, Scaling and Rotation dialog box.
9. Practical menu & gtPlot & gt area
10. Toolbar: SAVE_DB.
Step 8: Add the faces together.
1. Main menu & gt Preprocessor & gt Modeling & gtOperate & gt Boolean & gt Add> Region.
2. Select all areas to add.
3. Toolbar: SAVE_DB.
Step 9: Create the first pin hole
1. Utility Menu & gt Work Plane & gt Show Work Plane (Open)
2. Main menu & gt preprocessor & gt modeling & gt creating & gtAreas & gtCircle & gt solid circle.
3. Pick the center point: WP X = 0, WP Y = 0.
4. Move the mouse to the radius of 0.4 (displayed in the selection menu) and click the left button to create a circle.
5. Make sure to close the picking menu.
Step 10: Move the work plane and create the second pin hole.
1. utility menu & gt work plane & gt shift WP to> global origin.
2. Main menu & gt preprocessor & gt modeling & gt creating & gtAreas & gtCircle & gt solid circle.
3. Pick the center point: WP X = 0, WP Y = 0.
4. Move the mouse to the radius of 0.4 (displayed in the selection menu) and click the left mouse button to create a circle.
5. Make sure to close the picking menu.
6. Utility Menu & gt Work Plane & gt Display Work Plane (Close)
7. Practical menu & gtPlot & gtReplot
8. Practical menu & gtPlot & gt line
9. Toolbar: SAVE_DB.
Step 1 1: Remove the pin hole from the bracket.
1. Main menu & gt preprocessor & gt modeling & gtOperate & gt Boolean type & gt subtract & gt region.
2. Select brackets as the base area to subtract.
3. Apply (in the picking menu).
4. Select two pinholes as the area to be subtracted.
5. OK to subtract holes and close the selection menu.
3. Define materials:
Step 12: Set the analysis type
1. Main menu & gt preferences; Preference; Priority; preferences
2. Open structural filtering.
3. OK to apply the filter and close the dialog box.
Step 13: Define Material Properties
1. main menu & gt preprocessor & gt material props & gt material model
2. Double-click Structure, Linearity, Elasticity and Isotropy.
3. Enter 30e6 for EX.
4. Enter .27 as PRXY.
5. OK defines the material property set and closes the dialog box.
6.Material & gt exit
Step 14: Define Cell Types and Options
1. Main menu & gt preprocessor & gt Element type & gt Add/Edit/Delete
2. Add an element type.
3. Structural solid family of elements.
4. Select an 8-node quadrilateral (plane 82).
5. OK to apply the element type and close the dialog box.
6. The options of plane 82 are to be defined.
7. Select the "Plane Stress with Thickness" option for the element behavior.
8. Confirm the specified options and close the options dialog box.
9. Close the Element Types dialog box.
Step 15: Define a real constant (what is a real constant? )
1. Main menu & gt preprocessor & gt real constants & gt Add/Edit/Delete.
2. Add a real constant set.
Flight 3.82 is fine.
4. Enter 0.5 for THK.
5. OK to define real constants and close the dialog box.
6. Close the Real Constants dialog box.
4. Grid division:
Step 16: Grid generation.
1. main menu & gt preprocessor & gt mesh & gt grid tool
2. Set global size control.
3. Type 0.5.
All right.
5. Select the regional grid.
6. Click the grid.
7. Select All for the area to be gridded (in the selection menu). Close any warning messages that appear.
8. Close the grid tool.
5. Apply load:
Step 17: Apply displacement constraint.
1. main menu & gt solution & gt define load & gt application & gt structure & gt displacement & gt online.
2. Pick up four lines around the left hole (line numbers10,9, 1 1, 12).
3. OK (in the pick-up menu).
4. Click on all degrees of freedom.
5. Enter 0 for zero displacement.
6. OK to apply the constraint and close the dialog box.
7. Practical Menu & gt Plot Line
8. Toolbar: SAVE_DB.
Step 18: Apply distributed force
1. main menu & gt solution & gt define load & gt application & gt structure & gt pressure & gt online.
2. Select the line that defines the lower left part of the circle (Line 6).
Step 3 apply
4. Enter 50 as the value.
5. Enter 500 as an optional value.
Step 6 apply
7. Define the pick-up line (line 7) in the lower right part of the circle.
9. Enter 500 as the value.
10. Enter 50 as an optional value.
1 1. Okay.
12. Toolbar: SAVE_DB.
6. Solve:
Step 19: Solve the problem
1. Main menu & gt Solution & gt Solution & gt Current LS
2. review the information in the status window and select file >; close
3. Confirm to start solving. Select Yes for any verification messages that appear.
4. After the solution is completed, close the information window.
7. Inspection results:
Step 20: Read in the data results.
1. Main menu & gt General post-production & gt Reading results & gt Group 1
Step 2 1: Draw the deformation map.
1. main menu & gt general post-production & gt drawing results & gt deformed shapes.
2. Select Def+undeformed.
All right.
4. Practical menu & gt Drawing Ctrls & gtAnimate & gt Deformed shape
5. Select Def+undeformed.
All right.
Step 22: Draw a stress diagram.
1. Main menu & gt General post-production & gt Drawing results & gt Contour map> Node solution
2. Select the stress item to be outlined.
3. Scroll down and select SEQV.
All right.
5. Practical menu & gt Drawing Ctrls & gtAnimate & gt Deformation Results
6. Select the stress item to be outlined.
7. Scroll down and select SEQV.
All right.
9. Make a selection in the animation controller (not shown), and then select Close if necessary.
Step 23: List the constraint reaction.
1. Main menu > General post-production > List results > Reaction solution
2. Make sure all items are listed and close the dialog box.
3. Scroll down and find the total vertical force FY.
4. File & gt Close (Windows).
Step 24: Exit the ANSYS software.
1. Toolbar: Exit.
2. Select Exit-Don't save!
All right.