? Dong Qing once said: Why should we cry for a certain period in our life? Our life makes people cry. This is the first thing that came to mind after reading the thank-you speech of Dr. Chinese Academy of Sciences recently. However, this short sentence hits people's hearts directly, showing me that reading and education give people invisible power. Even though his family was poor when he was a child, his spirit was rich.
? I saw it in a circle of friends at first and didn't want to open it. The next few days are all topics that friends talk about after dinner. So, I looked back at a few articles. Well, there is a reason to brush the screen. At this moment, I was in tears. I was deeply moved by his spirit of fighting against fate despite difficulties.
When it comes to childhood, what do you think of? Freedom and innocence? A childhood that you will never forget. Here in Huang, you may need to go out and get to know the world again in a state of hard work. I can't imagine the scene where he fell asleep on the clay tablet and was with the mouse while other children were still coquetry. It is said that it is difficult to be poor, but with the help of good people, he finally succeeded in "breaking the circle" and entered the science hall of China. When the sword is sharpened, the fragrance of plum blossoms comes from bitter cold. This beauty is not out of reach, but it is by no means within reach. It takes a long time to be baptized and polished, and strive to move forward.
Finally, I hope everyone has dreams in their hearts and forge ahead. May you walk half your life and come back as a teenager.