The definition of folklore is a cultural phenomenon created and handed down by the masses, including the classification of folklore, economic folklore, social folklore, belief folklore and entertainment folklore. It is the basic feature of folk museum, the collection and form of folk customs, and the spread and mystery of folk customs.
Folk custom is such an evolutionary process. Because folk custom occurs in our daily life, it is not a very simple thing to give it an accurate definition. The word "folk custom" we are using now was introduced from abroad, and its original meaning is people's knowledge and wisdom.
Brief introduction of Chinese and foreign folk customs
The first part is about the basic theory of folk custom and folk culture, mainly focusing on the first chapter, the second chapter and the first section. In addition, it is also discussed from time to time when describing specific folk customs. Because the students majoring in tourism mainly don't study folklore, the theoretical part is simple and clear, and the focus is on highlighting basic theories and viewpoints.
This paper absorbs the outstanding achievements of folk experts and other sages, but the author also puts forward his own opinions and differences on some issues as an academic discussion and inspiration for students' divergent thinking. The second is the narrative of the specific folk customs of the country and the nation.
This part has more weight, focusing on expanding students' knowledge and cultivating methods to master knowledge. Based on the principle of highlighting key points and embodying practicality, China is the main tourist destination, and foreign countries are the main tourist destinations. The scope of material selection should be as narrow as possible, and the specific folk customs should be as detailed as possible.