Blind evaluation is a system of organizing expert group evaluation, which is submitted anonymously, that is, the reviewer does not know who the author of the paper is. In this way, the false positive rate of scores is low, which is generally used in college marking. If you get the C file, you need to revise it and submit it to the college for blind review. After passing, I will take part in the blind test of external experts with my classmates.
The scoring criteria for the blind examination of master's thesis may vary from school to school and from major to major. Generally speaking, different universities and different disciplines have different grading standards. Generally, the score of blind examination for master's thesis ranges from 100 to 120. Master's thesis 12, such as master's thesis in philosophy, master's thesis in economics, master's thesis in law and master's thesis in education.
Specifically, different schools and different majors have different grading standards. Some schools may score 60 points as the passing line, while others score 70 points as the passing line. If the blind test score of the paper is lower than the passing score stipulated by the school and major, then the review Committee may think that the paper fails.
Criteria for selecting topics for master's thesis:
1, the real question, must conform to the logic and facts. Any realistic problem must meet two conditions: first, it can be logically self-consistent; Second, evidence can be given in practice. Everything that meets these two conditions is a real question, and the lack of any one condition is a false question. Logically self-consistent, that is to say, it can be a family statement, that is, what is usually said is reasonable, and everything happens for a reason.
2, good questions, experience questions should be clear and specific, avoid ambiguity, and look big is far better than anticlimactic; Focus on a research problem, or a set of related problems. Studying new phenomena can often raise new questions, but the uniqueness or rarity of new phenomena is not necessarily innovation.
3, professional issues, the topic must be within the professional scope of graduate students, and must be recognized as a research topic in this major. According to the "discipline survey" and "discipline research scope" stipulated by the State Council Academic Degrees Committee and the Ministry of Education for each first-level discipline and two disciplines under its jurisdiction, it is the only basis for selecting the topic of the thesis.