2. Transfer pricing is an important management tool for multinational companies, Journal of Special Economic Zones;
3. Get out of the misunderstanding and rebuild state-owned enterprises, Journal of International Economic and Trade Research;
4. Exploration of Deepening Enterprise Reform, quarterly of Nankai Economic Research Institute;
5. Review and Analysis of TEDA Development, Journal of International Economic Cooperation;
6. Quantitative Analysis of Stock Market Price, Modern Finance and Economics magazine;
7. Financial Characteristics and Financial Control of Enterprise Groups, Nankai Business Review;
8. On the remolding of capital management and the internal and external conditions of capital management, Modern Finance and Economics magazine;
9. Thoughts on Improving the Financial Evaluation Index System of Credit Risk, CCUIPP98 Essays, Enterprise Management in China Market Economy;
10. Virtual Stock: Thoughts on Property Right Transformation of Small State-owned Enterprises, Operation and Management, 2001.1;
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12. Discussion on Prevention of Commercial Credit Risk, Economic Outlook around Bohai Sea, 1999.3800.
13. The Application of MVA Financial Strategy Matrix in Financial Management, Modern Finance and EconomicsNo. 10, 20065438+0;
14. "Empirical Analysis on the Operating Performance of Listed Companies in Agricultural Industry", Economic Issues, No.8, 2003.